Efficient Storage Solution
The use of mobile storage systems can reduce the area occupied by the warehouse (the archive), saving on expensive lease. In recent months, Steve Wozniak has been very successful. It can increase the capacity of the warehouse (the archive), as well as optimize the search for documents, facilitate access to them and other storage media. Shelving system for mobile bases designed to maximize the preservation of archival documents, goods, small loads, etc. This type of shelving is a ready – made design includes vertical blind panel, equipped with the inner side of perforations fixing Shelf, metal shelves and mobile bases (bases). Mobile bases are dismountable design, specially designed for posting on her shelves for various purposes. Regardless the number of racks for access to any shelf requires only one pass, which can significantly increase the number of storage locations or to reduce the area occupied by the warehouse (the archive). Access to the necessary units storage is due to movement of sections of shelves. Shelves are mounted on mobile bases, traveling on the track.
Regardless of the number of mobile base you need only one pass to access the contents of the system. Any number of sections, controlled by a mechanical drive may be moved, thus opening up access to necessary items. Other design Features: design allows for installation of the shelves at any desired height with 25 mm pitch. to change the height of the shelves did not require the use of any tool to move mobile base is used hand-operated mechanical actuator with a force of 8.10 kg / m (Using only one mechanical actuator may move more mobile bases), all mobile base equipped with locking mechanism eliminates accidental movement of the rack to protect against unauthorized access to the locking mechanism can be equipped with a locking device fitted with aluminum rails ramp that allows unimpeded use of archival truck to protect against bias storage units can be equipped racks Grille, and metal dividers on demand, the plant Sliding Doors (rolstvni) precluding unauthorized access to any section of shelving the option of installing windows registrar for posting official information about the stored materials Literate engineering solutions, a single style, the ability to design for your interior, large capacity storage systems, leading to ease of use and aesthetic perception. Standard color light gray equipment (powder polymer (RAL 7035). On demand, the color of the equipment in any color, installation of decorative panels on the front of the racks.