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In this direction, it will fit to the educator to plan education situations where the pedagogical contents and methods are coherent with the development of intelligence and not with the chronological age of the child. Of this form, the game acquires basic importance in its application to education, objectifying itself to discover new strategies of each phase of the development of the human being, that is characterized by special an only conformation, going since the individual game, the symbolic game, the daily pay-social game, to the one of rules (social). However, the logical activity is not everything what it exists for intelligence, the imagination is important to uncover itself to the solution of problems, is for this, the thought form most spontaneous is the toy or magical imagination, that makes that the desirable one seems possible of being gotten. Thus, until the seven or eight years, the toy predominates of so absolute form in the infantile thought, that if very becomes difficult to separate the deliberate invention of the fancy that the child believes to be true. 1.5? Cognitivo development For Cury (2003 P. 22). ' ' It inside has a world to be discovered of each child and each young.

Who does not only obtain descobriz it is inserted inside of its proper mundo.' ' However, these processes, even so continuous, are characterized by diverse phases, stages and periods. Each of these stages defines a moment of the development throughout which the child constructs certain cognitivas structures. According to Gardner (apud, Hunter 2005, P. 21) ' ' Piaget made reference in terms of social evolution and the intelligence of the child, showing as if it characterizes, basically, in each period of the development, that the same it schematized in four estgios' '. These developments pass for four distinct stages: (a) sensoriomotora, (b) daily pay-operatrio, (c) the operatria? concrete, (d) operatrio-deed of division.

The Pupil

Of this form, to understand the way of appropriation of the material for the professors and pupils can supply indications on the conceptions of same concerning education and its trends. Before initiating each chapter problematizao exists a called section. In this unit, it has a text an experiment or a situation problem. The third unit is the development of the subject. Ali Partovi is often quoted on this topic. In this unit the chemical content properly said is developed, is given the principles, definitions, concepts. After that it comes the section in prominence. In this section generally it has a text or an experiment. The authors exist questions of setting in some of these questions look for to relate with the daily one of the pupil.

It was evident that the success of the proposal pedagogical of the book depends above all on the form as the professor organizes its lessons, that is, of as it uses this proposal in room of lesson. In this direction, it is not enough the professor to adopt innovative didactic books, if not to establish education strategies that make possible the use of the didactic book of dynamic form, where is explored the potentialities of this pedagogical resource. Although the metodolgica boarding is considered as positive aspect of the book due its innovative character, it provokes many times unreliability in the professors, who are not accustomed to this practical, that demand more work and more time. Still thus, the type of use more cited by the professors is associated the collective activities, one of the aspects of innovative character of the book. These factors indicate an availability of the professionals in searching changes for the same education of sciences front to these difficulties. This everything indicates that the didactic book can have a central paper in the introduction of new methodologies, but its use depends on the continued formation of the professors.

Social Commitment

The process of implantation of Management of Abilities possesss some important stages which we can detach: * To identify the abilities individual, or related to the behaviors of the people, which the necessary institution to keep and those that it needs to develop. * To identify the related specific abilities to the areas of knowledge of the institution, as for example: administration, knowledge, performance etc. * To identify the existing organizacionais abilities and to develop in the institution, related to the knowledge required for the activities of the institution. * To unfold the initially definite abilities in the strategical level of the institution, for the too much organizacionais levels, until the operational level. Marc Mathieu can aid you in your search for knowledge. * To define the actions to be executed with the objective to eliminate the hiatos (' ' gaps' ') of ability identified.

The actions can even though come to be since the training in classroom and visits and periods of training, beyond stages of auto-learning and coach. waited final result is the elimination of the hiatos of ability that come to exist. * Implantation of the system of education continued from the determination of the identified hiatos. * Correction of the actions and even of the abilities on the basis of the results gotten in comparison with the defined strategical objectives. 1. Provision Which is the mission of the organization (or of the customer) and that vision possesss how much its performance in the future? This vision implies in modifications in the next future? Our mission Our mission is to contribute for the formation of critical and conscientious citizens, chemical preparations for the exercise of the professional life and for the challenges of the modern world. Our mission exists to take care of our strategical objectives, that are: – To raise the academic performance of the pupils – To improve practical the pedagogical ones of the school – To improve the management of the school Values – Ethical – Security in the work – Surrounding favorable to development of the human capital intern – Valuation, professional qualification and respect to the customer – social and ambient Responsibility – Quality – Humanizao – Respect to the principles: completeness, universality, fairness, resolutividade – Social Commitment – Construction and socialization of the knowledge – Public and gratuitous – professional Ability – Joint education, research, extension and assistance – Innovation To who must fit the task to enlist people for the organization? It is desirable that all are intent the people who contribute for the mission? The manager must enlist its collaborators to execute pertinent tasks to the position and all the collaborators must contribute in the commitment of the mission.

Microsoft Outlook

You synchronize Outlook on multiple computers Outlook companies today is from the most impossible to imagine. Emails, contacts, appointments and notes converge here. However, many employees use more than a calculator. You insert your mobile notebook for customer calls and do other work on the desktop computer at the Office or at home. Whether the customers in the Office or at home all Outlook data should be there always up-to-date and available at all times. So what to do? On the market, offered a series of different synchronization programs that match Microsoft Outlook on different PCs and keep therefore always up to date.

One of these programs is SimpleSYN, which in the major comparison test of the computer magazine c’t issue 17/09 has been extensively tested and a result of tips received by the editorial staff. Further details can be found at Peter Asaro , an internet resource. The synchronization software must be installed on all computers that are to be synchronized. The Setup in a few simple steps is done through a configuration wizard. Then follows the first Outlook synchronization, the ever According to size of the Outlook data file can take some time. After first Outlook synchronizing SimpleSYN looks like only the pure changes to the Outlook dataset and that completely automatically in the background. Once the computers have established a connection, the synchronization takes place continuously and in real time.

There are no restrictions on the type or size of items to be synchronized, no matter whether to synchronize E-mail, calendar, contacts, notes, or tasks. In addition, SimpleSYN status changes, markings, and Exchange mailboxes synchronized. The tool can customize the user also to his needs. Thus direction and type of synchronization (new, changed and deleted items) for each individual Outlook folder can be set to match such as changes to the Outlook dataset in one direction only, or to synchronize only new emails. Especially for the data exchange in enterprise, SimpleSYN contains an assignment of rights to Outlook folders for specific users only to release. So, the work colleague receives the new appointments only about and tasks, but not the email that are not important for his work. Windows domain user or internal user management SimpleSYN can be used to set the permission. The software is offered in two different versions. The standard version matches the Outlook data in your local network via a LAN, Wi-Fi or a VPN connection. The business version adds the ability to synchronize Outlook worldwide over the Internet and to exclude certain Outlook items from synchronization through a filter function. SimpleSYN can be used in mixed Windows environments (32-bit/64-bit), and under different versions of Outlook (from Outlook 2002). Both versions can free 30 days and be tested without restrictions. Who wants to run SimpleSYN continue after the trial period, receives the default version for low-priced 39,00 euro in the 2 computer license, the business version is for Having 49,00 euro. Torsten Leithold


Some factors that influence equilibrium are:-the extent of the base that holds our body, i.e. it keeps best balance with both feet on the ground than if we are with one foot.This is because, with one foot on the soil of the area that sustains us body is smaller. The height to which the center of gravity is located.We were much higher, harder to maintain balance.If we climbed above a chair it will cost us more balance. The difficulty of the exercise. The functioning of the nervous system, since if we are going to fall and our system responds quickly to stimuli to return to our position we have more possibilities to avoid falling. The degree of stability of the ground or surface.It is easier to endure the balance walking overland that when it is not skating on an ice rink. The ability of concentration and nervousness, as rather concentrated and less nerves have easier will be maintaining balance. The balance is very important for all kinds of sports that at all times you must keep you in a good position to shoot, throw, etc.

A good balance is critical to all persons in daily life. Other things that should be aware of the balancing factors involved. The factors involved in the balance of a special shape are the sensory, (i.e. the own senses), hearing, sight, touch and Kinestesicos bodies. Ear intervenes through the semicircular canals and located within the vestibular apparatus, and this whole system constantly informs us of our position. Through the eye we can observe the distances of objects and establish references, contrasts, etc., intervening with this squarely in the balance. The touch, like the other senses, intervenes to informing of the different positions that we experience through pressures, strains, etc. A test that would help us to assess our level of balance is the test of walking on a balance beam.

Management & Organizational Change Management

Do not seek the truth, just let me Zen proverb embraces the views and considerations Importance definitely the cost of contingency variables, especially the State, was significant organizational change in many companies, where according to management in charge of management of enterprises, especially SMEs, to promote many unfavorable results in their operation, in others, for its part, the urgency to feed it back with actions, strategies to give way to an organizational change ensure survival, development, stay on the stage in which they operate. Pete Cashmore may help you with your research. In Venezuela, we are concerned, when a situation turbulent, risky, uncertain, due to political instability, economic insecurity, which has led to changes that become challenges for many companies and requires managers with vision, strategies, modern knowledge management to enable them to face them. Read more from Pete Cashmore to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

Increasingly, the Venezuelan management of SMEs in particular, is convinced that the general environment surrounding organizations is in continuous movement and is dynamic, challenging, as you might give way to opportunities, is also a threat requiring a high capacity to adapt to survive. All this requires careful management to this regarding the effects of changes can generate, their impact and the need to prepare against a background of an unstable environment of continuous change in order to survive and compete, if is handled properly so the change this involving Relevance of the term and the process of change remind us Alejandro Reyes and Jose Angel Velasquez, that the term change management is one of the most important aspects of globalization of business management, given that both the manager and the organization begin to address complex situations of change in their environment should not be treated as a scattered, but they require a minimum platform to ensure successful change in organization..


Accelerate smoothly and timely move to higher gear. For vehicles equipped with a tachometer, better to keep the revs in the range 2000-3000 rev / min. On the flat sections can be ridden and in fifth gear, but sometimes understated speed flow will be higher than fourth at the same speed. If there is no tachometer – guided by the speedometer, shifting from 1st to 2nd at 20-30 km / h, from the 2nd to 3rd – 40 km / h, 3rd to 4th – 60 km / h. Sometimes you can use a transfer switch, for example, the first – second – fourth. When decelerating on the carburetor and fuel injection cars equipped with EPHH, use engine braking, lifting your foot off the gas.

In this case, in a certain range of speeds (1.5-2 thousand rev / min) Electronics cuts off the fuel. On carbureted cars without EPHH economical use reel, ie, the motion to transfer off, if ahead at the traffic light flashes red. In the long stops in traffic or you can turn off at stoplights engine. The general principle of economical driving in the city – to choose the most uniform mode of motion, the obstacle in advance to stop acceleration, going to roll forward or braking engine. Driving a car on the highway like a city on the highway to move uniformly, without unnecessary accelerations and decelerations. The optimum speed, which allows a higher average speed and minimum flow Fuel – 90-100 km / hour. Increase it above 100 km / h leads to a significant increase in fuel consumption. If you often go out of town, spend an experiment: Fill "under the cap," and record the odometer (or reset the testimony daily run).

At a gas station in the last paragraph again Fill up to a maximum, and count rate. The next time you change the mode of driving (eg speed – no more than 100 km / h) and again measure the flow rate. Thus, we can calculate efficient mode for a specific route. If you want to "hang on" to refuel – take a right lane and a minimum speed in top gear. Dispersing over the city as quickly as possible to get in top gear and, accordingly, to "cruising" speed. On long descents, use the engine braking mode, and the gasoline engines without EPHH – rolled forward, but do not turn off your engine! On slippery roads, as well as on steep slopes and mountains freewheeling, do not use. The influence of technology is only serviceable vehicle can provide a minimum fuel consumption. By increasing his lead a number of faults in power systems, ignition and the car's chassis. Part power (and fuel!) is spent to operate the additional equipment. For example, the air conditioner running at peak performance can increase gas mileage by 1-2 l/100 km. Therefore, small speeds (up to 60 km / h) is sometimes more profitable to open a window and does not include air conditioning. Each of these components makes a small contribution. But if the amount can save you 10-15%, it just will be the 40-50 cents, which went up gasoline.

FICOD Experiences

The American of Japanese origin has already written 9 books through their experiences in the new digital era, among them the best sellers: how to go mad to your competitors and the art of start. It has now created his own venture capital company, Garage Technology Ventures, where tries to discover the inventions of garage looking to succeed through new technologies. Follow others, such as Pete Cashmore, and add to your knowledge base. As stated to the audience of FICOD, all the start-ups that use high technology have begun with two people in his garage creating a product that they need to make your life easier. Thus arose the companies that have revolutionized our time like Yahoo or Google. Kawasaki has also spoken of new formats of marketing in the era of 2.0 technology. Once again emphasizes the need to focus on ordinary people, initiatives like Facebook, My Space and Twitter, have triumphed by being massively accepted by normal people, not by rich, brilliant famous or experts. Gone are those days in which major publications told everyone what to do, now are the users themselves who have the power to generate viral marketing and decide that product or service triumphs and which fails.

Making use of his personal experiences as a parent family and professional experiences as partner of Steve Jobs, who admires for know sell their dream masterfully, Kawasaki has managed charm those attending the event, who have not lost detail of their advice and have enjoyed with his constant jokes, almost all to disparage Microsoft. This plenary has inaugurated the program of FICOD 2010 which, from today until Thursday, will cover through lectures, workshops, round tables and everything to do with the digital era special actions. Meeting point in which more than 15,000 professionals, nearly 300 media, 200 speakers and more than 120 companies will gather.


So, E.g. the analysis, limitation and prioritizing network traffic on application level (including Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Oracle, etc.) is possible. The person in charge is able to restrict applications such as YouTube or Windows or Apple updates and to prioritize business-critical applications. Contact information is here: Marc Mathieu. With the MR66 and MR62, Meraki is presenting two new cloud managed outdoor access points in the new design on the it-sa. The Meraki 802 11n APs are faster than most traditional networks and up to six times faster than traditional 802 .11b / g devices. For more information see and. Visit sysob on the it-sa Nuremberg Hall 12, booth 235.

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For the channel, the service concept of “super value add” offers additional professional services. The specially established Division “Sysob IT-service & support” is responsible for the technical advice, support and training of the reseller. An active sales force, as well as technical support for installations and projects round out the alloy software, array networks, Barracuda Networks, Blue Coat Systems, Clavister, DeviceLock,. Expand networks, ForeScout technologies, Kentix, M86 security, Meraki, Meru Networks, NComputing, NETASQ, OPNET, PowerDsine, Procera networks, Proxim Wireless, Rangee, REDDOXX, ruckus wireless, Silver Peak systems, STARFACE, Stratodesk, TELLnet and Thinstuff. More information under:. Company contact: sysob IT distribution GmbH & co. KG Thomas Hruby Kirchplatz 1 93489 Schorndorf Tel: + 49 9467 7406-0 E-Mail: Web: PR contact: Sprengel & Partner GmbH Fabian Sprengel nesting first race 3 56472 Nisterau Tel: 02661-912600 E-Mail: Web:


On the occasion of the annual meeting of the German Diabetes Society on 17 May in Hamburg, the company introduced an innovation for Medtronic Diabetes Type 1 diabetic patients and announces the artificial pancreas. The Paradigm rEAL-Time System is the first insulin pump system that consists of an insulin pump and a glucose sensor, today reported diabetes educator Sven David Mueller Nothmann in cologne. The glucose sensor transmits the measured values at the pump, the treatment recommendations derived therefrom, and cautions against over-or hypoglycemia, diabetes nurse explains the diabetes portal children can use the Paradigm rEAL-Time System. With this system, is the path of evolution that began with the discovery of insulin by Banting and Best canadian scientists in 1921, a revolution in diabetes therapy with the artificial pancreas nearly finished. Already, 42,000 diabetics in Germany bear a conventional insulin pump. The new system from Medtronic Diabetes ensure safety, such as diabetics, they have so far in theInsulin therapy is not known. The company Medtronic has announced the final stage of the revolution with the artificial pancreas is already for the coming year. The MiniMed Paradigm rEAL-Time System is the last step before this closed system of insulin pump and continuous glucose sensor.

By now, the first time this combination is finally a virtually closed system for optimal blood sugar regulation. The values assigned to the pump is electronically processed, displays and provides information on the blood glucose trend so high or can be prevented in time. The final decision on the dosage and treatment to a doctor and patient. The system has important warning systems for diabetics, and the complex calculation accounts for the mahlzeitbedingten Bolusberechnung because the pump is proposing doses. The present system is now a huge step in diabetology: minimize fluctuations in blood sugar and improve diabetes control.

This prevents the dreaded complications of diabetes and increases theQuality of life enormously, says diabetes educator Sven David Mueller Nothmann, who in 1976 became ill with diabetes mellitus type 1. The Medtronic system consists of smart insulin pump and a glucose sensor that is connected to a transmitter. This transmits the measured values at the pump. The glucose sensor is a small electrode that diabetics carry three days in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Patients who are already equipped with this system, confirm that it is virtually painless. And the introduction into the subcutaneous fat, which is itself vornehmbar of diabetes is not painful. Twice a day, it is necessary to measure the glucose level conventionally, so that there will be no errors. The sensor measures the glucose level in the cell-gap liquid every 10 seconds. Thus, the system is provided daily measurements at 8640, explained Prof. Thomas Danne, MD, children’s Hospital auf der Bult in Hannover. The Senior consultant with a focus Kinderdiabetologie part of the team of experts that has tested this system. currently contribute at least 1450 children in Germany andYoung people an insulin pump. The pump displays all five minutes at an average value, and informs the bellhousing to 288-times daily for blood glucose levels. In Germany, previously used only 11 percent of type 1 diabetic patients the benefits of treatment with an insulin pump. The benefits of combining a smart insulin pump with a continuous glucose sensor for diabetics to convince many of the most modern methods for precise insulin delivery and optimization of diabetes management, is Sven-David Muller Nothmann secure. For more information Qualimedic.com AG, Sven-David Muller Nothmann, diabetes nurse DDG Brackenstraae 1 to 3, 50667 cologne, 0221-2705212 , 0177-2353525 information diabetes mellitus: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that is characterized by an increase in blood sugar.

The literal translation of diabetes mellitus is honeyed Hindurchfluss. For diabetes mellitus occurs when thePancreas produces little or no insulin or the insulin may act through insulin resistance to the cells did not. The hormone insulin is responsible for the glucose from the blood into body cells to promote, thus reducing the blood sugar. In Germany, around six million living with diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is classified into two types: type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetics are usually young and at the outbreak of disease immediately to the outside supply of insulin dependent. The lifelong insulin therapy can be done using syringes, pens or insulin pumps. Type 1 diabetic patients also require a vote of carbohydrates and insulin. Only five to eight percent of diabetics have type 1 diabetes mellitus. cause of disease is usually an autoimmune response that leads to the destruction of insulin producing cells. Most diabetics belong to the Type 2. In Germany about 5.5 million Type 2 diabetics. The disease is usually due to overeating, lack of exercise and hereditary factorsand usually occurs only from the 40th Year of life. At the beginning of the disease, overweight type 2 diabetic patients require intensive nutritional education, as a weight-reducing diet to normalize blood glucose levels. Usually necessary in patients with type 2 diabetes no medications. Diabetes mellitus is a progressive and fatal disease that is often underestimated. Poorly chosen cause blood sugar levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, major changes in the large and small vessels and nerves.

This disease follow the eyes, kidneys, heart and lower extremities. Diabetes mellitus is the commonest cause of a fatal heart attack, amputation of lower limbs, blindness, and dialysis requirement. An optimal diabetes therapy, diabetes and blood pressure control reduces the risks significantly. regular blood sugar checks and intensive training are important components of an effective diabetes therapy. 300,000 diabetics worldwide are treated with an insulin pump. TheInsulin pump therapy is the most modern form of therapy of insulin-deficiency diabetes. The aim of insulin pump therapy is to achieve a closed system (closed loop) of continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pump. With Paradigm rEAL-Time System, the first “almost” closed system is available. Medtronic Diabetes is the world’s leading manufacturer of insulin pumps and continuous glucose measurement systems and has developed Paradigm rEAL Time. The Qualimedic.com AG is an unlisted public company based in cologne. It operates on the Internet successfully various specialist consulting portals. This includes the diabetes portal . Here, patients receive free advice from a diabetologist and diabetes nurse.

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