Go A Strategies

Strategic Planning to Help You Go 'A'!

Jose Luis Martinez

The new Office of Fincadelia is located in Yecla, in the North of the autonomous community of Murcia. Under the direction of Blanca Ortega and Sonia Salcedo, is the eleventh that owns the region. Also, the second Office of Fincadelia, specifically on the island of Gran Canaria, which will develop its activity mainly in the city of Las Palmas under the direction of Esteban Monzon, who it has been decided by the Ensign to broaden their career prospects as Attorney at law, choosing a perfectly stable and complementary activities such as the administration of estates has been opened in the Canary Islands. Granada has also opened a new Office, headed by Jose Luis Martinez, joins the existing Andalusian territory. The Ensign has major expectations in Granada because of the potential that this city in terms of the activity of property management. Fincadelia offers, from its headquarters, a full service to its franchisees, assuming various tasks and functions of the exercise of the activity of administration of estates.

In this way allows the franchisee deal with your business with maximum dedication, especially in attracting new customers, and attention and loyalty of existing tasks. Those who are interested in being part of the network of Fincadelia must have a local, as a minimum, 30 m2. In turn, the offices must be situated in populations of at least 20,000 inhabitants. There are advantageous financing conditions and other very interesting proposals for potential franchisees, who do not need too high investment and always under the forecast to recover the amount invested in a period not exceeding 24 months estimated. The contract with Fincadelia is set for five years.


As already it were expressed, the publication cost is quite smaller than one form, reason why it practically can be free for its readers. At the same time, following their intention and public, the book in line and website associated can generate income according to the services that offer, the purposes that consider and the mechanisms of collection that are designed. can be printed, total or partially, always respecting the Copyright and according to the terms that the author or the respective publishing house settles down. the version in line can stimulate the acquisition of a printed version, and vice versa, according to the strategy of trade and sales that settle down like objectives. Permite to organize a forum, debates, educative activities, around its content and to cause the interaction of the readers to each other and with the author. Tiene instantaneous world-wide distribution, to very low cost. It can easily integrate to bookstores and libraries in line. Instead of an analytical index can have a motor of search that responds with whole paragraphs.

Can have notes in the margins are that it enriching, elaborated by the same author or his readers according to some mechanism of participation. Its design can vary according to the technological capacities and tastes of the reader who could get to personalize the format and same aspect of the book. One more a more complete library can tell on bilingual versions that it allows certain readers to take advantage of with facility the two versions. I want to express an observation that is common to vivenciar at present: the boys and young people of the schools, nowadays, do not have too much contact with paper books, is more, are infinity you photocopy that parts or chapters are realised of, either loose leaves, that you do not allow to handle the totality them of the content of the work, nor to realise searches by the index, and the excuse is the economic crisis through which is going, that does that is spent in vital needs, and separates from those needs educative or cultural.

Air Berlin

The company Air Berlin, that occupies the first position in connections between the German market and Fuerteventura, with a 29%, the past announced month of May, that the next summer will maintain the same 200,000 that it supplied the previous year during the summer season, being able to even increase the total number of places in small percentage. The strategies marked by the company in Fuerteventura, will be oriented to the pick up of individual clients like reinforcement on sale of the traditional packages, taking advantage of the diversification the Island in segments like the tourism of golf or the tourism of congresses. The importance of finding formulas that as this will allow to resist the minor spending power who at present has the tourist by means of the impulsion of campaigns of joint promotion, and reaching agreements that assure a flow visitors that moves in a strip similar to the one of the previous seasons. Germany is the first market, and Air Berln” a company that is key for Fuerteventura, as much by the great amount of connections that maintains with the island – up to 14 destinies of three European countries like by the number of routes, that were 1,134 in 2008, only behind Happag Lloyd, that realised 1,364 routes. Air Berlin will connect 14 European cities with Fuerteventura, 11 Germans, two Austrians and one Swiss, having reached this summer a forecast of more than 200,000 supplied aerial places. The total number of routes of the company in Fuerteventura was of 1,134 the past year.

The airports that will count on connection towards east Fuerteventura summer through Air Berlin will be Colony-Bonn, Berlin Tegel, Padeborn, Nremberg, Dresden, Dortmund, Frankfurt, D5usseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig Zurich and Basel. One is the second airline company of Germany, that connects 20 cities of this country with tourist destinies of the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands and the Balearics, until a total of 127. At present it counts on a fleet of 125 airships. The agreement of collaboration between the Patronage of Tourism of Fuerteventura and Air Berlin will be oriented in the line to create micro-site in the page a Web of the company that allows to promote and to foment the sale flights towards the Island. Source: Fuerteventura magazine today.

ConfianzPara Covey

Polaroid on the other hand, desboron so that it could not do this, yielding almost completely the photographic market to Canon. Culture of ConfianzPara Covey, the power for decision making represents the combination of communication, education, grant of resources and direction, but it adds that also a culture is needed confidence. Covey has written that where there is no confidence, there is to control the employees, but where there is this culture of confidence, they themselves would supervise themselves. It says; the employees become a source from aid. it establishes a performance agreement, of such form that understands that it is what it is expected of them. Of this form the employees have the freedom sufficient to handle to their needs and duties, fulfilling those of the organization . The technology also has an important roll in the authorized organization, particularly in the increasing tools of social networks, which have abierto new communication channels. Covey sees an immense value in this and for that reason the community online of Stephen Covey sent, in which it has a collection of courses in line, social management of goals and networks, which use to teach their ideas in leadership and present time subjects.

But Covey also notices that the technology can be a sword of double edge. the technology is a good crew member, but an evil master, says. Also it says that it has seen organizations let themselves consume by the technology and that hardly normal interaction between people exists, but that when realizes of which it is really important strategically, technology plays a concrete and important role in the fulfillment of that strategy. It is important to have a technological and human balance to be able to be successful. A company cannot only focus in the technological part so that enabled people are needed to interact with clients, suppliers, etc.

Independent University Leon

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. – The Mexican company Coffer, the second embotelladora of Cocaine greater Tail of Mexico and Latin America announced the entrance to Argentina when announcing the purchase of the embotelladora one in the northeast of the Andean country. With it soothes in Monterrey, the Group Coffer was constituted at the end of year 2001 when diverse embotelladores decided to be united in this group that presides over Manuel Barragn Morals. With the acquisition of the new company, the production would increase 17 percent in the totality of the Group. The chief of a main directorate of the company, Francisco Egloff Heron heads the operations in the Andean country and they must save requirements of regulation in that one country. It said that ” This agreement represents an important strategic step in our continuous search of opportunities of growth and creation of value, not only in Mexico but in Latin America.

We are thankful for to the Coca-Cola company its support and confidence to conclude this agreement and reiterated our commitment to continue working jointly to fortify leadership of its products and marks in regin”. A HISTORY OF SUCCESS The axis of the group Coffer continues Being drunk Coffer, before Drunk World-wide that founded Don Manuel L. Barragn Escamilla, prominent regiomontano industrialist who passed away the 9 of May of 1980. Barragn began of down. It was orphaned to early age and position became of its family. During his productive life it was loved, wanted and respected in the regiomontana society. It helped to construct the University City that again lodges the Independent University Leon that counts with more than 110 thousand students and who are respected at Latin American level.

Bacupari District

The Agroturismo also appears as a possibility of permanence in the agricultural area of the small agricultoras families, adding to the traditional activities, services and activities not agriculturists who can provide quality of life, and consequentemente growth of the locality that is inserted in the tourist process. Being the dynamic tourist activity, it will be able to confer to the agricultural way the possibility to develop proposals of services and products, in order to promote and to divulge the localities and its attractive ones, rescuing and fortifying the local culture, with a proposal of recriar cultural manifestations identified with the agricultural space and its actors, and in such a way contributing for the promotion of the local economy. In this proposal of agricultural revitalizao one searchs to evaluate the potentiality of the Bacupari District, in the city of Palmares of the Sul/RS, city which in the decade of 30 was sobressaiu as the producing greater of rice, and also for having been a hidroferrovirio entroncamento, if detaching as strategical point to drain the production. The study problematiza the following question: Is possible the implantation of tourist activities in the District of Bacupari, city of Palmares of the South /RS and which benefits will happen of this activity? The reply to the problem she will be clear in elapsing of the work and the final analyses. The general objective is to evaluate the potentiality of the District of Bacupari, Palmares city of the Sul/RS in developing tourist activities in the agricultural area. As objective specific it is considered to detach the conceptual differences of the tourism in agricultural areas; to evidence the importance of the tourist planning and to verify the interest of agricultural producers in the activity. This study the exploratria and descriptive research adopts as method, of qualitative character. As metodolgicos procedures, it uses the revision of literature and the field research, using as instrument questionnaire of interviews and inventory.

Lost Time

Karl Max affirmed that: in the manufacture and the artesanato, the worker uses the tool, in the plant, it is a servant of the machine. In this conception, with the occurred industrial advent in the capitalist and imperialista Europe, century XVIII, a consequence of the distanciamento of the interpersonal relations in century XXI is observed. Ademais, great accomplishments had been conquered by the man, analogicalally, in day 21 of July of 1969 when the Neil astronaut stepped on in the moon perceives it great capacity developed for the mind human being, as well as other great discoveries and innovations that if had spread. New technologies take account of the dynamics of life of the society, the globalization an exculpatory process, marked for the shortening of the information as well as of the relations between the individuals. But, how many times this year we stop to bind to a distant familiar being or to make that fast one visits the neighbor? A priori, the capitalist order of the contemporaneidade does not allow that the community makes use of time necessary to establish bows affective with the next one, to look at the amount of patients waiting for a transplant of agencies in the hospitals, children each time more in the world of the chemical dependence for the lack of I dialogue and company of the parents, to attempt against for amount of homelesses ace mazelas and other profits that permeiam the society. Outrossim, the technological and capital association brings daily innovations to the world of objects and services, demanding a fast flow of production and consumption. The media televises is a communication vehicle, spreading in short space of time, information, images and codes, the necessary one to alienate psychological of the individual, being induced this for the purchase, that is, I see that the paper of the television in the contemporaneidade, predominantly is to deal with strategies of social distinction to promote products and, thus, to complete the circuit that leads to the profit.

I observe the efemeridade of that not only merchandises, but, the interpersonal relations are discarded in the present time. media and the industry alienates by means of the creativity and symbols psychological of the man the such that, in this ' ' psique' ' social individualistic and consumistas individuals are magined extremely, taking them for its markets in the end of this circuit to the profit, forming a generation so dependent of the material to guarantee full ' ' status' ' , autoafirmao, debts and the moral integrity stop with next the inserted one in a secondary scale. Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman demonstrates to the fact in its study directed the fluidity of the relations in the responsible individualism for modernity eliminates and consumer. Destarte, as sang Russian Renato of the group Urban Legion ' ' We have all time of the world ' ' , (letter of music Lost Time), that is, to organize themselves, to open a space in the agenda for the leisure, a consultation to the doctor, it visits to familiar those distant ones to place papo in day with the old friends to relembrar moments that had been part of the construction of its life and to help also the needed ones is basic.

Federal Public

Researchers arrive esteem that 70% of the injuries and traumas suffered for the old ones do not appear to the statisticians. In our country, he has 93 a thousand aged ones that they intern themselves per year because of falls (53%), violncias and aggressions (27%) and traffic accidents (20%). Made partial studies in the country show that the majority of the complaints of the aged ones is against children, grandsons or conjugate and others 7% if they relate to other relatives. The denunciations directed to the Public prosecution service of Brazil, emphasize in first place economic abuses, as attempts of appropriation of the goods of aged or the abandonment material committed against it. In according to place, physical aggressions and in third, refuse of the familiar ones in giving protection to them.

The majority of the physical violncias committed by the children is associated alcoholism, of proper them or the aged parents. With respect to the especificidade of sort, all the inquiries show that, in the interior of the house, the women, proportionally, more are abused than the men. E, in contrast, in the street, them is the preferential victims. In both the sexos, aged the most vulnerable ones are the physical or mental dependents, over all when they present problems of esquecimento, mental confusion, alterations in sleep, incontinence and difficulties of locomotion, needing intensive cares in its activities of the daily life. Data of the Federal Public prosecution service. In consequence of maltreatment, many aged ones start to feel depression, alienation, clutter after traumatic, feelings of guilt and negation of occurrences situations vitimam that them to live in hopelessness. Therefore, she is necessary to reaffirm that to speak of violence it is to fortify established politics, for example, for the statute of the aged one, that we want to see fulfilled each time more. Thus, enough legal and normative devices for the enfretamento of the violence exist today, as well as go if implanting strategies of protection with the National and local Advice of rights of the aged ones, ' ' SOS-IDOSO' ' , ' ' IT BINDS – IDOSO' ' many others.

Michel Foucault

To give to dexterous account discursiva tram, Durval Muniz chooses the arqueogenealgico method and some sources to problematizar the discursivo effect of modernity in the imaginary one of the patriarcal society. Credit: Douglas R. Oberhelman-2011. In this direction the author if uses of an extensive documentary body that includes the press, periodicals, literature, cronistas and folcloristas, particularly a critical analysis on the workmanship of Gilbert Freyre, making a historiogrfica analysis, allowing the discovery of other subjetividades until then little visible. Its secular clipping occurs enters the decades of 1920 and 1940 of century XX, recouping a mosaic of small references esparsas with which it dialogues in the coast and the hinterland, the cities and the northeast interior, bringing tona what he was submerged. On the other hand inspired in Michel Foucault it analyzes the discursivas constructions that had constituted a masculine figure in this field of force between modernity and the tradition. That is, it analyzes the way as knowing if he makes use, he goes if constituting, manufacturing subjects and producing truths. Therefore, Durval Muniz thinking with Foucault discloses about them that what was taken as evident and natural biological he was one to know produced that it occupies a place and it possesss a mark. Therefore we come across in them in its text with critical, transformations and even though ' ' destruies' ' of one to know that it are constructed as only truth. In short, Durval Muniz denounces the relation between truth, to know and to be able, desestabilizando, of this form evidences, and giving them visibility to other possibilities, other dimensions. Based on this foucaltiano epistemolgico cut the author defines the objective of its work, operating in two registers; to the level of the strategies (to know produced) that they had defined a form of being for the northeastern, a visibility and a dizibilidade; to the level of practical the daily ones of the men in this space, to manipulate, to use, to modify these strategies.

Africa Charles

It was observed migration of some animals that feed themselves of these fruits for other places. Contact information is here: Howard Schultz. In the Zimbbue a species that particularly cause some concern as invading is the giant mimosa shrub. One is about a species that arrived at Africa in 1980 middle, finding propitious conditions to its development, quickly esparramando itself throughout more than 3,000 hectares of native flora, modifying the characteristics of the local forests, also with impacts on the fauna (GISP, 2010). In all the planet the invasion of surrounding data for invading species already figure as being the second bigger threat to biodiversity. In certain ecosystems this is exactly the biggest threat to biodiversity (GISP, 2010). 2. The PAPER OF the BIOPIRATARIA Already for 1860 return the naturalist Charles Darwin alerted for the danger represented for the sped up growth them invading vegetal species.

During much time importance was not given to the subject and in 1958 it only is that Charles Elton, in its Ecology book of Invasions by Animals and Plants called the attention for the fact being necessary to know in way more detailed invading species and thus to establish different strategies of control. Some decades if had passed until the scientific community perceived the grandiosidade of the problem, today with recognized gravity in unquestionable way (MATOS & PIVELLO, 2009). The situation, taken the extremities, made with that some scholars suggested the possibility to occur a homogenization bioptics of massiva form in all the surface of the Land, what certainly would cause the exclusion of native species due to competition with the invaders, what would have as main consequncia the local extinguishing and direct loss of biodiversity, as well as modification in the structure of ecosystems and its total loss of characterization (WILLIAMSON, 1996). The main factors to create conditions for the proliferation of invading vegetal species are, certainly, the actions human beings.

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