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Tourism Strategies

In if treating to State of Par (SANTANA, 2010) still it affirms that the plan of tourist development of Par elaborated in the year of 2001, had for purpose to consider strategies so that the tourism if developed in way to provide one better quality of life to the paraenses. These strategies aimed at to contribute in this process in order use to advantage the culture and the landscapes as attractive. The plan indicated six polar regions: Belm, Amaznia-Atlantic, Araguaia-Tocantins, Tapajs, Xingu and Maraj). No longer year 2000, was instituted the Program of Development of the Ecoturismo in the Legal Amaznia? PROECOTUR, under the coordination of the Secretariat of Extrativismo and Sustainable Agricultural Desenvolvimento of the Ministry of the Environment, with the purpose to make possible the development of the ecoturismo in the Brazilian Amazon region, establishing the base of necessary public investments for the attraction of private investors for this area, thus conciliating, economic and social development with respect to the environment. ' ' The intention is to establish an adequate structure and to implement the necessary conditions, including the investments required, that they will make possible to the nine states of the Brazilian Amaznia (Acre, Amap, Amazon, Maranho, Weeds Thick, Par, Rondnia, Roraima and Tocantins) if to prepare to manage its areas selected for the ecoturismo of responsible and adjusted form, with planning, assistance technique and qualification. ' ' (Available in) We not only see that this program aimed at to contribute in this process of dinamizao of the tourism in order uses to advantage the culture and the landscapes of all the Region, seeing in the tourism an income source more yes a way of social inclusion, therefore, geographically involved distinct and devoid areas, taking until them the presence politics of the state through the implantation of the projects of valuation of the natural potential of the localities and valuation of the population directly influenced by these initiatives.

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