Go A Strategies

Strategic Planning to Help You Go 'A'!

University Center

Nestaperspectiva the organizations identify the critical processes for the objective realizaodos of the two previous perspectives. The processes must create ascondies so that the organization offers proposals of value to the customer, capazesde to attract and to hold back customers in its segments of performance. Perspective of the learning and the growth: Institutions with condition to be each time better are institutions comcapacidade to learn. The qualification of the organization will be given for half dosinvestimentos in new equipment, research, systems and the recursoshumanos of the company. These four processes reflect a sequence iterative deaes. It stops to arrive at a system managemental stabilized. 3. Michael Dell has similar goals. Implementation of the BSC in the IES the mission, vision and motto of the IES is: Mission: To educate in the context of the valoresbblico-Christians it to vivier full and the excellency in serving Vision: To be a University Center reconhecidoatravs of the excellency of the given services, its raised ethical standards and personal and professional daqualidade of its egresses Motto: To educate and To serve Aiming at the implementation of the BSC in the IES we suggest later deuma analyzes the following Perspective strategical map of the customer: we understand that the customer is onosso main focus for the goal of the satisfaction.

In this program we search umafidelizao and the captation of new pupils aiming at a semester growth de5%. When we speak of satisfaction we cannot leave of competiviveis apreos side the quality, remembering that the mission of the institution is to form alunoaltamente able one for the professional market. consequentemente to create to emanter a relationship of long stated period. Financial perspective: in aspect we financeiroalavancamos an operational prescription of 10%, searching the otimizao of recursose the maximizao of prescriptions understanding that to keep the insolvency in low indispensvel, therefore we place all the efforts to keep this percentualem 4,5% lathe.

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