As already it were expressed, the publication cost is quite smaller than one form, reason why it practically can be free for its readers. At the same time, following their intention and public, the book in line and website associated can generate income according to the services that offer, the purposes that consider and the mechanisms of collection that are designed. can be printed, total or partially, always respecting the Copyright and according to the terms that the author or the respective publishing house settles down. the version in line can stimulate the acquisition of a printed version, and vice versa, according to the strategy of trade and sales that settle down like objectives. Permite to organize a forum, debates, educative activities, around its content and to cause the interaction of the readers to each other and with the author. Tiene instantaneous world-wide distribution, to very low cost. It can easily integrate to bookstores and libraries in line. Instead of an analytical index can have a motor of search that responds with whole paragraphs.
Can have notes in the margins are that it enriching, elaborated by the same author or his readers according to some mechanism of participation. Its design can vary according to the technological capacities and tastes of the reader who could get to personalize the format and same aspect of the book. One more a more complete library can tell on bilingual versions that it allows certain readers to take advantage of with facility the two versions. I want to express an observation that is common to vivenciar at present: the boys and young people of the schools, nowadays, do not have too much contact with paper books, is more, are infinity you photocopy that parts or chapters are realised of, either loose leaves, that you do not allow to handle the totality them of the content of the work, nor to realise searches by the index, and the excuse is the economic crisis through which is going, that does that is spent in vital needs, and separates from those needs educative or cultural.