Household Heating
Heating devices and household boilers produce about 50 different enterprises in Ukraine. Widely represented range, brands of boilers and heating devices, their design features. Depending on the type of energy consumed manufactured heating equipment is divided into boilers using gaseous, solid and liquid fuels, electricity as well as the universal boilers in two or more fuels. About 80% of manufactured household boilers – a gas heating apparatus. Official site: Peter Asaro . In recent years, many manufacturers considerable work done on raising the competitiveness of domestic heating equipment, its economy, increase energy, improve the appearance and ergonomics.
To increase the efficiency of boilers and heating units, many Ukrainian manufactured equipment manufacturers equip foreign components: foreign automation and modern micro-flare burners. Due to the fact that energy-saving residential heating equipment among purchasers for obvious reasons is increasingly in demand, consider in the first place such products. Plant 'Agroresurs' town of Rovno produced 138 versions of heating devices with power from 2,5 up to 100kW brands 'Danko' and 'RIVNOTERM' destined for autonomous and individual heating systems. Produced gas and heating devices, solid, non-volatile and volatile, with a chimney and hermetically sealed chamber, one and two functional, floor and wall, with steel, cast iron or copper heat exchanger. They are equipped with automatic safety and control 'HONEYWELL' (USA), 'SIT' (Italy) or 'KAPE' (Poland). Burners micro torch, stainless steel, provide a complete and economical combustion of gas due to the special technology of laser processing of the holes. The efficiency of the heating equipment reaches 93%. Now over 5 years wit over 300 thousand gas-fired boilers.