Inner Peace
They lose the ability and desire something to do with themselves. Makes no effort to invent games, they get bored drawing, designing, they do not care and does not carry. Lack of inner peace is reflected on the relationship between the children. Noted that communication with peers becomes more superficial and formal: they have nothing to talk, argue, nothing to discuss. They prefer to tinker, to push or press the tv and wait for the new – ready – entertainment. But perhaps the most obvious evidence of growth of inner emptiness – a children's cruelty and aggression. In recent years, has changed the quality of children's aggressiveness. Earlier in clarifying the relation tions on schoolyard brawl ended as soon as the enemy found himself lying on the ground, ie, vanquished.
That was enough to feel like a winner. Now the winner of happy beats lying down, losing all sense of proportion. In this case, children are not aware of their own actions and do not foresee their consequences. Of course, not all children listed "symptoms" are observed in the full set. But the trends in psychology of today's children are quite obvious and natural causes anxiety. Our goal is to understand the origins of these alarming phenomena. But really all the fault of the tv? Yes, if we are talking about a small child is not ready to adequately receive the information from the screen. When the home screen absorbs all the power and attention to the baby, a substitute for communicating with older relatives, he certainly has a powerful formative, rather, distorting formation of the psyche and personality of the growing person.
Consequences and the magnitude of this effect may affect considerably later in the most unexpected areas. Children's age – the period of most intensive formation of internal world, identity formation. Edit or catch up during this period in the future almost impossible. Early childhood and preschool (6-7 years) – During the origin of the most common, basic skills rights. Full human development of the child is only possible in an intensive and continuous communication with older relatives. No hardware, no, even the most sophisticated and adapted for children's media is not can replace a live person, can not overcome the cultural meaning of surrounding things. If a child at an early age deprived of meaningful communication with adults, in that sense, and with it the whole of human culture are private, foreign, unclaimed, and the inner world, baby empty. All of these well-known truths repeatedly confirmed not only research, but fact of life. Until recently, these facts provided a system of closed institutions for children – children's homes and orphanages. Educators and psychologists have repeatedly demonstrated: children deprived of their family, ie meaningful communication with older relatives in early childhood, essentially differ from their peers who are brought up by parents. They are characterized by underdevelopment of the personality, which is expressed in speech disorders, lack of interest in activities, poor concentration, reduced emotionality, lack of empathy, as well as impulsivity and situational behavior, lack of initiative, low level of fantasy and imagination, lack of independence and stereotypical thinking etc. The above does not mean Appeal to exclude the media from the life and upbringing of children. Not at all. This is impossible and pointless. But to connect children to information technology can be only when they are ready for its intended use when it will be for them is a means of obtaining the necessary information, rather than an educator, an imperious master of their souls.