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Knowledge Management

The first part can serves a means you create mechanisms will be measuring the intellectual capital accumulated; to other can serves recording and sharing of experiences and knowledge. In this context the Knowledge Management has the rolls of systematic, thus allowing to greater interaction between individuals and expansion of the exchange of knowledge. But we must know who ploughs the people involved in the processes, what the objectives and strategies of the organization. The uses of tools of Information Technology (IT), only serves store the information, thus managing the intellectual contributor capital of each. But will be each employee that will help and make spontaneous way, it is up you the organization that serves explain this administration.

Deploy the Management of Knowledge is therefore to easier on companies that already have participatory culture in which all hierarchies ploughs involved, including the top management. There is in single recipe will be creating an organization you the Knowledge Management. It is up you each organization you choose the best way you stimulate the same, well identify the best software that exists you treat it. Whatever the focus of the company, the methods chosen and applied technologies, the implementation of sound Knowledge Management is an efficient way of continuous improvement in you process of an organization. Being that it you serve accelerate decisions and take the company you lives quickly achieve the goals we it ploughs proposing. Another positive point of Knowledge intellectual Management is the valuation of assets of the organization, which is transforming an individual capital in organizational capital.

The importance of this administration, allows organizations will rely less on standby will be professionals, or in marries of leaving the company, it would have adds knowledge, not thereby running the risk of completely taking with them important knowledge will be the organization. The availability of this knowledge encourages the sharing of information, learning and self-development of employees, thus improving and encouraging the individual performances and thus bringing positive results will be the entire organization. Ndia MirandProf. Doctor Joyanes Luis

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