Lost Time
Karl Max affirmed that: in the manufacture and the artesanato, the worker uses the tool, in the plant, it is a servant of the machine. In this conception, with the occurred industrial advent in the capitalist and imperialista Europe, century XVIII, a consequence of the distanciamento of the interpersonal relations in century XXI is observed. Ademais, great accomplishments had been conquered by the man, analogicalally, in day 21 of July of 1969 when the Neil astronaut stepped on in the moon perceives it great capacity developed for the mind human being, as well as other great discoveries and innovations that if had spread. New technologies take account of the dynamics of life of the society, the globalization an exculpatory process, marked for the shortening of the information as well as of the relations between the individuals. But, how many times this year we stop to bind to a distant familiar being or to make that fast one visits the neighbor? A priori, the capitalist order of the contemporaneidade does not allow that the community makes use of time necessary to establish bows affective with the next one, to look at the amount of patients waiting for a transplant of agencies in the hospitals, children each time more in the world of the chemical dependence for the lack of I dialogue and company of the parents, to attempt against for amount of homelesses ace mazelas and other profits that permeiam the society. Outrossim, the technological and capital association brings daily innovations to the world of objects and services, demanding a fast flow of production and consumption. The media televises is a communication vehicle, spreading in short space of time, information, images and codes, the necessary one to alienate psychological of the individual, being induced this for the purchase, that is, I see that the paper of the television in the contemporaneidade, predominantly is to deal with strategies of social distinction to promote products and, thus, to complete the circuit that leads to the profit.
I observe the efemeridade of that not only merchandises, but, the interpersonal relations are discarded in the present time. media and the industry alienates by means of the creativity and symbols psychological of the man the such that, in this ' ' psique' ' social individualistic and consumistas individuals are magined extremely, taking them for its markets in the end of this circuit to the profit, forming a generation so dependent of the material to guarantee full ' ' status' ' , autoafirmao, debts and the moral integrity stop with next the inserted one in a secondary scale. Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman demonstrates to the fact in its study directed the fluidity of the relations in the responsible individualism for modernity eliminates and consumer. Destarte, as sang Russian Renato of the group Urban Legion ' ' We have all time of the world ' ' , (letter of music Lost Time), that is, to organize themselves, to open a space in the agenda for the leisure, a consultation to the doctor, it visits to familiar those distant ones to place papo in day with the old friends to relembrar moments that had been part of the construction of its life and to help also the needed ones is basic.