National Plan
In the agreement of the agency of the cited ONU above, from the beginning of years 60, the alfabetizao of adults composed strategies of magnifying of the electoral bases and sustentation politics of the reforms that the government intended to carry through. The experimentation of new practical of alfabetizao and sociocultural animation developed by the movements of education and popular culture found apio in the bulge of the politicosocial bubbling of the moment, mainly through the adoption of the philosophy and the method of alfabetizao considered for Pablo Freire. For this professor, the alfabetizao of adults would have the paper to free the citizens of an ingenuous conscience, inheritance of a society oppressor, agrarian and oligarchical, transforming it into critical conscience. In this manner, the method adopted for the cited professor, tied the practical alfabetizadora with the examination of problematic that they confused or they hindered the access to the goods of the proper culture and to the participation politics; it served as half to desvelar processes of oppression and domination in the world of the work and inaqualities of conditions of life of the Brazilians. However, the Military dictatorship that was imposed to the Brazilians from 1964, obtained to interrupt the preparativeses for the beginning of the actions of the National Plan of Alfabetizao that the pernambucano educator co-ordinated the invitation of the government. Therefore, in the period of ditatorial government to militate, the young education of adult, promoted for the federal government, it collaborated in the sustentation of the social cohesion and in the legitimation of the authoritarian regimen, feeding the myth of a democratic society in a regimen of exception. Thus, the escolarizao of young adult gained the feio of supplementary education, instituted for the reform of the 1971 education, exactly year where Brazilian Movement Alfabetizao started the campaign called, that was known for the Mobral acronym. .