1 – As feed, reach a healthy weight and stay active throughout their lives * * taken in part or all of an article published by Weight Control Information Network eat varied food, and be physically active are key elements for good health. When you eat a variety of foods and exercising regularly, you can maintain a healthy weight, feel good, and have enough energy to take care of you and your family. The BMI (BMI, for its acronym in English) is one of the ways in which you and your doctor may know if you have a healthy weight, overweight or are obese. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is healthy weight range. For example, if Juan is 1.72 meters (do 5? do 8?) and weighs 68.04 kilograms (150 pounds), your BMI is 23, which means that you have a healthy weight.
In the table below, find your height in the column to the left and find your weight on the bottom. The number listed is your BMI. If your BMI is in the range of overweight or obesity in the table, you may need to change the that you eat and how much you eat. You must also do more exercises if you want to be positioned at a healthy weight. Being overweight or being obese and kept inactive can cause you: type 2 high blood pressure heart disease Diabetes high cholesterol some types of cancer Sleep Apnea (when you stop breathing for short periods of time while sleeping) Osteoarthritis (when the joints are worn) people gain weight when they eat more food than your body needs.
Other factors that may contribute to weight gain, and away from a healthy weight are: family. Weigh too tends to come from family. Parents can spend the problems of weight to their children through genes. Parents, children and people who care for them also can be overweight because they share the same bad eating habits and exercise.