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Practical tips of legodo ag for the systematic realization of personal customer communication in Karlsruhe, 19.04.2011 – the marketing of companies although increasingly seeking a more personalised approach in customer communications, the reality looks however usually still very different. The legodo ag according to there are still significant shortcomings the results of two studies in practice. Because except for a roll-call title the notices to customers have usually no significant individual reference. But without personal information we can not speak of a personal correspondence. legodo Board Member Marc Koch developed therefore strategic guidelines for a more personalized customer communications: 1 departure from the classical thought: the largest volume in the communication through invoices and customer information is typically in writing. In the past much has been done by the company though, to increase the response rates. The measures for increasing effect focused so far but on optimizing content and the response elements, but not on the individual character of the letters. The roll-call speech is not enough, because a simple Salutation form alone makes yet long not personally looking writing a form letter.
This requires a general rethinking towards a customer communication, which has similar effect as the spoken word. 2. relevant information restrict: the how to methodology in the communication must follow the principle of quality optimization. This includes priority for class instead of mass, so a restriction in the entire customer address on the actually important content in terms of information. The information needs of the addressees are standard. 3.
free choice of the communication channel offered: in times of electronic communications not only the content of a written customer communication on the issue play a role, which acceptance knocking them and how like the addressee busy. So must the prerequisites for an individualized orientation of communication be created to send him messages or via postal mail or by E-Mail, SMS, MMS and Instant Messenger. Also the communication via social networks should belong to the customers choice of multiple channels. 4. the entire customer knowledge include: corporate customer information are mostly in very different systems and databases. This entire customer knowledge specifically can flow in the content so that creates a message tailored to the individual interests and perceived by the addressee as high quality. This requires a seamless connection of ERP, CRM, and other business applications to make an integration of all relevant data across the system boundaries. 5. easy handling at the place of processing: A communication with high-volume demands comfortable technical and operational conditions, because otherwise the overhead of the intention runs contrary to. In this respect an essential feature for the implementation of a personal communication that must be that Company’s employees have appropriate technical solutions, content to written communications to customers and design aligned both customized as to design very quickly. This requires an integrated access to all relevant customer data, as well as a comfortable handling. About legodo ag legodo developed software for relevant customer communication to the quick and easy production of written correspondence. C4 legodo with their solution, it is now possible in the right context at the right time for relevant customer communication to insert all the processes and data from existing systems.