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The History Of Pixar

Pixar she is an American company who produces animaes for graphical computation. Currently the company most famous of the branch, it initiated its activities in 1984 when employee of ' ' Lucas Arts' ' they had decided to produce a dream, to create an livened up drawing total computerized. With experience in the areas of the hardware and software the dream soon became Real. The first success of Pixar happened with the lights that today is symbol of the company. He was with it that the creators of the company had perceived that the people had passed if to enchant with the technology, forgetting that it was technology. Pixar in little time it does not need business card or propaganda, its films were the sufficient to generate any contract. In 1989, Pixar it was bought by Steve Jobs, owner of Apple and true guru of the technology that, recognized that the company had the magician necessary to transform technology into dreams.

It was with that the company took forces to be contracted by Disney to produce its first long one, nothing more, nothing less than Toy Story. Toy Story called the attention because it took the principle of Pixar in its history, toys gain life and can make what to want. Much found that Pixar it was only plus a company of the fashion and that soon its animaes went to fall in the esquecimento, but was not this well that happened. Creating a new style livened up drawing, Pixar it appeared as a position of vanguard and conquered of time its space in the market. Closing a partnership with Disney, the company produced the greaters classic of the last decades of the infantile cinema. Vida de Inseto, Procurando Nemo, Monstros s.a., the Incredible ones, Cars and many other films belong to the catalogue of this plant of dreams. Now you also will be able to multiply the dreams of Pixar sending thematic and gratuitous messages livened up for the site Clickut. The magic uses to advantage to distribute for its friends all for which proper Disney if left to seduce, messages also livened up of Looking Nemo.

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