Universities Places
Come to a place up to 10 applicants Reutlingen. The rush to the students of the Faculty of computer science at the University of Reutlingen is undiminished. The winter semester again nearly 800 students to the 106 students applied. Thus the ratio is 1:10 between the number of applicants and the places in some courses. In all subjects, there are more applicants than places. Thus, the number of candidates moved on to record levels. Something more than 800 applications were received for the winter semester 2009. The number of applicants for the two Bachelor’s degrees in the faculty are particularly high.
There are 376 applicants for the 40 students of Business Informatics, 285 candidates for the 36 places in media and communication information. Given the high number of applicants the Faculty will not engage therefore, also as in the previous year, on the various Internet exchanges, where free computer science students are offered. In Baden Wurttenberg alone had 10 Universities reported after the deadline still free places. Positive also the balance of the Faculty of the masters. See more detailed opinions by reading what Pete Cashmore offers on the topic.. Places in Business Informatics are 65 applications for the 15 master. The degree programme of media and communication information received 45 applications for the 15 places. The extremely high number of applications, the bar, is to earn a place at the Faculty of computer science, remains very high.
Although, the final grade of the baccalaureate is not the sole criteria for admission, but an important point. Graduates with an average grade of 2.5 should have it hard this year, to snag a Bachelor or master study. So applicants even on a weaker note have a chance, each application is examined individually. Special qualifications or focal points in the leaving certificate are another criterion. The overall impression of an application is crucial. A work that takes time and is very carefully made by us”, so Andre jaw, employees in the Selection Committee for the business data processing specialists. Finally, we decide on the way of life of young people. There is not an easy decision”.