Wall Solution
When facing wall surfaces (walls) as a basis must meet the following requirements. Relative humidity is coated brick, concrete and stucco surfaces – no more than 8% of gypsum, gypsum – less than 1%. Permissible deviation from the vertical surface is coated with lining: cement-mortar – up to 10 mm in mastic – not more than 2 mm to 1 m high. On the surface is coated with cladding on mastic exception of the irregularities of more than 1.5 mm, efflorescence and oil stains, fragile sections of the front surface of the brickwork. Brickwork under facing tiles should be performed with blank solution seams to a depth of 5 …
10 mm. Completely filled with mortar joints running notch is coated surface. The thickness of the plaster layer deposited on the wood surface by metal grid with a lining of waterproofing material shall be not less than 15 mm. When the device quality flooring grounds must meet the following requirements. The strength of the concrete base or screed should be not less than 15 MPa. The base must be flat, horizontal or comply with a given project ramp.
Tolerances: – the distance between the control rack 2 m in length and the surface should not exceed in laying of tiles: the layer of solution – 6 mm on a layer of mastic – 2 mm, the base plane of the floor from the ground or a specified slope – 0.2%, while the width and length of the room of 25 m and more – 40-50 mm. Works on facing walls are executed in the following technological sequence with the requirements of SNIP 2.03.13-88 "Floors" SNIP 3.04.01-87 "Isolation and finishes":-staking and preparation of surface-marking the surface of the wall with the installation of beacons, sorting, cutting, tiles and drilling holes in them;-install tiles, the pointing (grouting);-cleaning tiled surfaces. Check the verticality of the walls is carried out to determine the necessary thickness of the leveling layer. To marking the surface under the liner and to install beacons should: the elimination of irregularities, apply a layer of leveling marks prior staking, to prepare a surface is coated for improve the quality of finishing. Certain irregularities and deviations from the vertical in excess of allowable values, corrected by srubki bumps on the surface and leveling mortar mixtures and deviations from the troughs vertically. Concrete, stucco and brick walls with unfilled joints must be cleaned of dust, dirt, stains and traces of gypsum solution has a negative effect on adhesion to the base solution. In the presence of surface oil stains should be removed 2-3% solution of hydrochloric acid or 5% solution of soda ash. After acid treatment the surface is thoroughly washed with clean water. It is not enough rough concrete surfaces and brick walls are filled with stitches before facing should be nasecheny. Surface of the brick veneer on the recommended adhesive mastic, on a pre-formed beacons plaster grade no lower than 75. The last layer of plaster nakryvochnogo do not do as well mastic adhere to the ground leveled. Wooden surfaces to be veneered metal cover (stucco) net on the bars or metal frame affixed with nails to seal waterproofing (roofing, gidrostekloizola). Between the wire mesh is coated and the surface must be left in a gap equal to 20-25 mm. Metal mesh must be completely plastered with cement mortar with the addition of fibrous materials (feathering, asbestos). The thickness of the layer of solution should be at least 16 mm.