The hdrico deficit and the water excess promote some common effect and other distinct ones on the plants. However, many differences in the physiological effect of the two factors exist, making possible, thus, an election of tolerant species. Although in some environments the plants arrive to try both estresses, few works in literature exist that study species that present strategies that allow the adaptation of these to the hdrico deficit and excess of offers of water. (A valuable related resource: Robotics expert ). 1. INTRODUCTION the water plays a basic role in the life of the plant. For each gram of organic substance produced by the plant approximately 500g of water is absorbed by the roots, carried through the body of the plant and lost to atmosphere.
Exactly a small disequilibrium in this water flow can cause dficits hdrico and bad severe functioning of innumerable cellular processes. Thus, all plant must carry through a delicate rocking of its absorption and loss of water, which if constitutes in a serious challenge for the terrestrial plants. To fotossintetizar, it needs to remove carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, but, you make to it, expose it the loss of water and to the threat of dehydration (Taiz and Zeiger, 2003). In general, the research related to the hdrico deficit and the water excess in the ground has been developed, with emphasis the species of agronmico interest, aiming at to get to cultivate tolerant the short periods of estresse. It is verified that the studies with objective of species recommendation are few that they support, as much low the water availability in the ground as the excess, estresses these characteristic of the areas delinquents the hidroelectric reservoirs. The hdrico deficit and the water excess promote some common effect and other distinct ones on the plants. However, many differences in the physiological effect of the two factors exist, making possible, thus, an election of tolerant species. Although in some environments the plants arrive to try both estresses, few works exist in literature that studies species that present strategies that allow the adaptation of these to the hdrico deficit and excess of offers of water (It hisses, 1999). It estresse it is, in the majority of the definitions, considered as significant shunting line of the excellent conditions for the life, and induces the changes and answers in all the functional levels of the organism, which is reversible the principle, but can become permanent (Larcher, 2000).