Go A Strategies

Strategic Planning to Help You Go 'A'!

Brazil Education

One of the subjects more debated inside of the educational scene, between professors, pedagogos and people related to the education is without a doubt the importance to make with that the pupil feels Continue Reading

Integral School Education

Its history you date from the mid-sixteenth century with the involvement of Christian churches in which Brazil had the constitutional relationship with the Catholic Church, especially the social Continue Reading

Magnavox Company

The first video-game of the humanity was conceived by the Magnavox Company, who was baptized of Odssey. It was launched in 1972 and the first game to be twirled in it was the Ping-pong. Ali Partovi Continue Reading

Technological Resources

Maria Geni de Almeida Fortunato (Profa. of the University Estcio de S) 1 INTRODUCTION The school, as any another sector of the society, needs to learn to coexist and to interact with the new Continue Reading

MMA Principle

Proposals Although the presented points, since that the JJB comes back to be practised with approach in the defense, since that it manages its knowledge adequately, since that the JJB practitioner Continue Reading

Social Commitment

The process of implantation of Management of Abilities possesss some important stages which we can detach: * To identify the abilities individual, or related to the behaviors of the people, which the Continue Reading

Reading Professors

Its problem becomes sufficiently evident when it tries to spell letters with sufficient difficulty and without success. According to Whitaker, Pinto and Veloso (2000), the professors must be intent Continue Reading

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