The Common Cold
Inhale snuff a little deeper, so that he passed through the nasopharynx into the mouth. A few ponyushek cold stop. Good help is also flushing the nose with clean water. Room temperature water to Continue Reading
Bioresonance Therapy
The human body is a source of very weak electromagnetic waves. This so-called physiological or harmonic vibrations that are inherent in a healthy body. When a person becomes ill, his organs begin to Continue Reading
The exercise of the power is the way in which somebody acts more on somebody. The violence is the most primitive form to be able, nevertheless must the individual have freedom so that it is possible Continue Reading
On the occasion of the annual meeting of the German Diabetes Society on 17 May in Hamburg, the company introduced an innovation for Medtronic Diabetes Type 1 diabetic patients and announces the Continue Reading
Avoiding the Flu
In recent years, we have enough flu scare various modifications, so that now, with the onset of the rainy autumn and frosty winter, we begin to think about how to effectively protect against the flu. Continue Reading
What is the fate of the male Gibbon, who was unable to prove its credibility in the native pride? Attitude toward it will be the same as for females, ie on the sidelines for the rest of life, and the Continue Reading
Diamond Exchange
It so often referred to ... Psychic, telekinetic, clairvoyant Ronnie Marcus. He recently expressed his desire to visit Russia. "I hope to see you soon in Moscow", - told me Ronnie Marcus. - Continue Reading