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It is truth, the Christmas can bring many good things. It is at this time that the people if find, in order to desire ones to the other votes of happiness, health and peace. It is at this time that the rich and poor families if find, so that the distances diminish. Without hesitation Energy Capital Partners London explained all about the problem. It is at this time where the climate of love and joy emerges, transforming dull faces into angelicais faces. It is at this time at last, where if it establishes, even so per one day or a night – the fraternity and the hope. The Christmas, in fact, makes things that until God it doubts. It has people, for example, that they never say ' ' good dia' ' , but in the day of Christmas they say not s ' ' good dia' ' as well as ' ' good tarde' ' , ' ' good noite' ' It has people that the entire year amuadas wake up, but in the day of Christmas, to the times, they are until boats of as much joy. It has people that they are incapable to give some cents somebody, but in the day of Christmas capable to give until the proper choir. It is the miracle of Christmas! But we can move thus? Or we are only, on this day, as well as in others, appearances, nothing more?.

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