Go A Strategies

Strategic Planning to Help You Go 'A'!

Life Goals

The life does not promise nothing, is we who we construct and we conquer ours promessas.' ' According to Gonzaguinha, life is to have the modstia of being a perpetual apprentice. We are here for Continue Reading

Brain Computer Model

We propose a model of the mind from the IT perspective as well as the architecture of a computer possible for this purpose. Details: General operation: think, feel and react to stimuli. States of Continue Reading

American Psychiatric Association

Possible that they have TDAHI. The TDAHI, presents for carelessness, impulsiveneness and hiperatividade, that can be translated through, does not follow the given orientaes, difficulty in Continue Reading


this guilt it culminates ahead in a feeling of deep inadequao of the life, therefore it comes folloied of the autopunio and autopiedade, generating a depressive state in the person. It takes it to Continue Reading

The Accidents

For our reflection in them they interest two types of memory to understand behavior of the conductor of vehicles. The memory of short term (MCP) and the memory of long stated period (MLP). The Continue Reading


However, as salient Fierro (1995), nor always the young obtains to find this identity. In relation to the personality of the adolescent, Fierro (1995, p.295) standes out that: ' ' Its Continue Reading


What is the fate of the male Gibbon, who was unable to prove its credibility in the native pride? Attitude toward it will be the same as for females, ie on the sidelines for the rest of life, and the Continue Reading


The first issue that is currently not easy to solve most, where to meet. The familiar situation: a young man riding on a bus, he like a woman, he comes to her and says: "Girl, girl, what is your Continue Reading


But, it says then Discardings, ' ' when thinking that all false age, was necessary that, I that I thought, was some thing; observing that this truth: I think, then I exist was so firm and Continue Reading

Diamond Exchange

It so often referred to ... Psychic, telekinetic, clairvoyant Ronnie Marcus. He recently expressed his desire to visit Russia. "I hope to see you soon in Moscow", - told me Ronnie Marcus. - Continue Reading

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