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Gardens and Gardeners are not that another day I was surprised thinking about gardens and gardeners! Divaguei for a road of dreams and enchantments. I dived deep, inalei cheiros and I felt sensations indescritveis Suddenly, a sorrateira fidget was esgueirou for the cantos of the mind and if it made an intense racket. That voice did not want to be silent, insistently inquired of me: Who is bigger, the Garden or Gardener? Voice questioned me it. The Garden is clearly! I answered, therefore it is who shelters the flowers of which they exhale odors, that move, enchant get passionate, that the hours and moments become opportune in all. The gardens, are clearly, therefore all know the Garden Botanical, but who knows its gardener, where deferred payment that one Sir who waters it the plants? The garden, where the people take a walk without the least if to ask who planted, who watered, who aduba, who clean I continued. The garden is born first in the heart of its creator, later in the mind for after that appearing ahead of its eyes, but a time happening this, surpasses its creator, becomes related with rain, with the water, with sun, the rays, the wind, the night, the dew, the land and as much other essences that did not consist in the project of the gardener. later that the gardener if goes and the time erases its souvenirs, the garden remains In the truth, it said, the Gardener is bigger.

Therefore exactly later that if it goes, there and the time erases its souvenirs, its digital continues something in the flowers, the seedbeds, the roses, the banks and exactly when we do not perceive, of something it always forms it is there. Therefore, the gardener is greater that the garden. why we do not know it? Why we do not notice it? Because its craft is to plant flowers, to perfume lives and for this is necessary that if it loses inside of its gardens, that if identify with the roses, with the flowers, with the seedbeds with the odors, with the land; that if it makes garden. Therefore the gardener is greater that the garden. In addition, the gardener can choose, only decide to become garden. For more beautiful than either, never, the garden could be gardener.

I followed walking for the street and in each face it delimited a gardener. I looked gardeners for the sidewalk, in the offices, the plants, the schools they can have any face, but a garden never will be confused with an island or a bird. But, we have so few gardens will be that in they lack gardeners to them. The garden is bigger, therefore he is in that rests the tired body of the gardener. Not, not! Great exactly he is gardener who brings obtains many gardens, that take in its chest a life of gardens and flowers. That it lies down and it dreams in roses or not. It is the garden is exactly bigger, therefore it is that if notices, that it turns postal card, that is reference for the mailmen, who are disputed by the gotten passionate couples, that is reasons of photos, while the gardener has until to move away itself for not ' ' to ruin foto' '. Therefore he is, it is accurately in that consists the largeness of the gardener, it does not want they see that it, simply, but that they perceive, and this for the lenses of the garden, who is bigger after all, the garden or the gardener?

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