Suddenly, a shot .. how – in the eyes flashed a bright beam. There is no hunting in the day to day, lucky. And desperate too powerless zhigan, since the destiny lead Jacques. … Fox tightly clutched in his paw trap. In my head flashed: "Everything frustration.
And now what do fox eat the litter? "Soon, soon, poor guy would find and kill: a valuable fur creates and comfort, and convenience – and because the traps to forge the conscience. Thirst for life is stronger and will not die. Fox does not want a body of someone's warm. Himself became a judge himself was the executioner: canine stabbed in his paw under the howling and crying for – and cursed trap was limes and hot. And when a man his trap tested, the poor fox on three legs so hobbled away. … (Not to be confused with Pete Cashmore!). Prose life is much scarier, survives only one who is stronger, who is stronger. Only a strong half of the kingdom is given for the horses! SEPTEMBER smelled fresh mornings early – smelled September.
Swollen blister light over the mountains: not shining and warm, tries to hide away. The forest in front of withers – has become a poisonous spirit: disturbing smell of fallen leaves Proll. And the rain strum, and the wind is a carousel signs of autumn, and gut feeling that soon the world will begin in September massacre. Vaughn, tucheyu frown – curse heaven sends. A lake, excited, waiting for guests to dozhdinki. Hung his head sadly maple trunks – are ready to become the object originally saw.