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Legal Help For Landlords

Leases from lessor point of view and the way law are the themes of the next Munich real estate focus Munich. Many writers such as Kam VedBrat offer more in-depth analysis. Who rents out real estate in Munich, can be lucky: there are enough buyers, the rents are high. But what happens if the tenant causes problems? What is the legal situation? What options do have landlord? On May 10, 2011, the lecture series informed in the Literaturhaus Munich focus on current case law Munich real estate. At 5: 00, the way expert Christoph Metzler (Paproth, Metzler, Dr. Ertel & partner) gives an overview of the significant court decisions in the area of property law.

Among the questions to be addressed are: who is debtor of housing benefit payment at a change of ownership? Is it possible to have a resolution on the relocation package? Has a homeowners meeting at structural changes before to deal with the topic? At 19: 00, Rudolf Sturzer (Chairman of the House – and real estate Association Munich) first talks about the exclusion of the ordinary termination right in the apartment lease. Axel Wetekamp (judge at the District Court of Munich) lecturing on the subject of rent reduction after a sword of Damocles over the landlord?” Various aspects of the topic be discussed in a subsequent panel discussion. In addition to the speakers and the initiators of the Munich real estate focus ‘, Agnes Fischl (convocat GbR) and Thomas Aigner (AB In the real estate GmbH), Beatrix Zurek, President of the tenant Association Munich guest is. The event will be moderated by Lutz Paproth (Paproth, Metzler, Dr. Ertel & partners), the third partner of the Munich real estate focus ‘. Admission to both events is free. However, the organizers ask for registration until May 9th at.

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