Managing Director
The Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg can in five days concluding business coach (IHK) acquire business coach (IHK) “interested henceforth within five days at the Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg can acquire these accounts.” It performs a one-week coaching compact training in March for the first time, in which the know-how and skills to coaching others in the business context is communicated to participants. Further training will begin in November. Business-coach compact training designed according to Udo Albert, head of adaptation training at the Chamber of Commerce Wurzburg, for employees of companies, regularly facing in their day-to-day challenge, to set other people reflection and change processes underway and to accompany them in changing”. As examples, Albert called in-house training and continuing trainers, as well as executives. Another target group are people who are already working in advisory or therapeutic professions and their services from now on, in addition to private individuals Companies want to offer their customer base to expand it or to achieve higher fees. Among other things that offers plus the IHK training compared to other coaching training: you purchase with the completion of business coach (IHK) “a degree recognised in the economy.” The business coach training consists of five learning modules. For even more opinions, read materials from Mikkel Svane.
In the first the participants deal among other things with the question, what distinguishes the coaching from other forms of advice, as well as by classical guiding and teaching learning. In addition, they deal with typical coaching requests in the context of the business. Also the topics roll and order clarification they deal with. In the second module as the meeting and talks between coach and Coachee should be structured and how they are evaluated it comes above all. In the third and fourth module the participants deal with communication-psychological issues; In addition to what to avoid giving feedback and change processes can be stimulated in other people on the thinking and the behavior layer. The fifth module is available under the heading goals. Now it comes from problems (development) targets can be abgeleittet. The participants will also learn several intervention techniques and methods that make up the desired solutions.
Strong compendium mbH, specially created the said economic consulting company Wurzburg, which performs the Coaching training on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, for this serves a 350 pages as a textbook. This compendium of education also serves as a basis for personal audits and certification discussions after. You are prerequisite for the purchase of the conclusion of the business coach (IHK) “.” “The substantive concept of the IHK business coach training is similar according to Wolfgang j. Schmitt, Managing Director of SCHMITT economic consulting, the concept of offered in the market, many coaching training, but usually span one or two years”. What IHK training but “distinguishes the continuous focus on the coaching of individuals in the context of the business is in addition to the compactness and the price,”. The participation of the business coach training 2340 euros including certification and teaching materials. The first training course starts on March 23. Another starts on November 23. Also corporate business coach training are possible.