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The particles are adsorbed inhibitor on the surface of the corroding metal in two forms: as a randomly distributed on its molecules or ions and in separate clusters – clusters. According to modern theories protective effect of adsorption of inhibitors, the coefficient g is determined by inhibition of four members: g = g1g2g3g4, where g1 and g2 – the kinetic coefficients of inhibition of corrosion due to the influence of adsorbed particles inhibitor on the currents of exchange reactions, respectively, discharge – the ionization of the metal and the depolarizer (usually H3O +) 1, g3 – drag coefficient by reducing the active surface of the metal on the proportion of q, g4 – drag coefficient, caused by changes in the structure of the metal – solution with the introduction of the inhibitor. At high degrees of filling of the inhibitor molecule, according to theoretical calculations that determine the value of g are the coefficients of g3 and g4 and above equation takes the form 1: g = g3g4 = (1 – q) -1 10k Dy, where Dy – the potential change in the place of occurrence of corrosion inhibitor, when administered to 3-11. The inhibitor may inhibit the cathodic reaction of depolarization (cathodic inhibitors) anode (anodic inhibitors) or both partial reactions (cathode-anode inhibitors). For even more details, read what Mashable says on the issue. This, along with a decrease in the rate of corrosion is a shift of the stationary potential, respectively, in the negative or positive values, it is easy to show on the corrosion diagram Evans. In the presence of the cathode-anode potential inhibitor is practically unchanged (Fig.

5a-c). As a rule, the effective adsorption inhibitors are the compounds having in their composition heteroatoms N, P, S, O, Si, through which communication is carried out and the inhibitor molecules with the metal surface. To date, dozens of individual substances are known and mixtures based on them as an effective corrosion inhibitor.

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