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Promotional Business

Those who buy are more young people and those who already had an experience somewhere abroad. In musimundo.com.ar there are a variety of promotions on some products exceed 50 per cent discount from the price of the premises. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ali Partovi. In the case of this company, the offer that customers find on the Net is far superior to that offered by the shops. "In a conventional business we have over 20,000 different CDs, while the Red catalogs than 250,000 titles," said Llorca. Widespread fear Entrepreneurs unanimous agreement that the fear about the safety of shopping online there. Additional information at Pete Cashmore supports this article. But they said that it is unfounded. "The fear of buying on line has to do with lack of experience, but luckily it is eradicated, because people know and trust the brand, "said Llorca.

To Cufre, Yenny, fear and insecurity of the people are a reality that must be fought:" We are faced establishing the best security policies and accompanying our users in a learning process to better understand the environment, "he said. In Garbarino, however, there is the possibility that users can chat with operators who are trained to advise them." We believe it is the best way for our customers to be removed all doubt " , Germano said. To alleviate the uncertainty of the users, the three companies mentioned delivered via e-mail proof of the transaction. Tomassino Carlos, president of the CACE, was blunt: "The fear is widespread, but is also unfounded, it is easier than buying a stolen telephone that the Internet, "he said. It will be matter of taste. After all, if something goes wrong there is the possibility of claiming.

By email, of course. Vanina Rosenthal millions Loss few days ago traders on Wall Street were surprised to learn that Amazon.com, the virtual monster that last year moved about two billion dollars, had tripled its losses. Since he burst onto the electronics market in 1995, Amazon became the leading source of book sales. Then added toys, software and music. As is known, the site created in Seattle, which boasts a user base exceeding 17 million, losses of $ 390 million during 1999. This figure is well above the deficit, announced the company during its remaining years in the market. The specialists tested explanation is that losses are directly related to the heavy discounts offered by Amazon. Another factor, they say, is the massive publicity the site, which meant a large outlay.

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