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Russian Japanese

Nothing in the world presents to us an interest and does not attract as time. By the same author: isearch. It runs quickly and quietly, taking with them the joys and sorrows of our lives. Time – a riddle that no one has yet managed to unravel. We can only guess as to what power lies in it. Japan – an amazing, ancient, full of mysteries, traditions and magic – gives us the opportunity to observe the time, honed in the magnificent clock mado. They reflected the sophistication and grace land of the rising sun.

Looking at them, we seem to see the beautiful Japanese landscapes, cherry blossom, petals, which in April envelop all around the white smoke, young Japanese women in kimonos walking small steps. mado, in Japanese, means "window". For a Russian Japanese watches mado – window to the world inaccessible to our understanding, attracting different outlook and attitude towards life. The Japanese believe that beauty is not exists by itself, each thing has a peculiar only to her beauty. Wall clock made from natural materials mado perfectly fit into the interior of your apartment, office or holiday home and will give wonderful shade of Japan culture. Each model of the Japanese clock mado is unique, is his name and has its own unique character. Each embedded soul and love of its creator.

Hours of collection mado will give comfort and warmth to your home. They can rightly be called work of art that rivals the beauty of the great masterpieces. In Russia, the brand mado appeared in 2005 and has managed to win the love of the Russians.

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