Administrative Code
The same offense, committed on preliminary arrangement by an organized group of persons or a large scale, or with the use of official position, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 5 years with a fine of up to 500,000 rubles or in the amount salary of the convicted person for a period of up to 3 years (Section 3). And to get under the third paragraph of the above article is quite simple. In your firm come to computer scientists, who install, update, and maintain the unlicensed software on your office computers and servers, and do so with your consent and participation of your employees? So, you are committing an administrative and professional violation of prior agreement organized group of individuals. True, there's a hitch. Professional charges of illegal use of software can be opened only if it is "conduct" has caused major damage to the right holder, ie, more than 50,000 rubles. Especially large is the damage exceeding 250.000 rubles. If the total cost of the licenses illegally used by programs you do not exceed fifty thousand, your offense will be classified as administration, and it entails less severe consequences. Article 7.12 of the Administrative Code provides for the illegal use of copyright in order to derive income penalty of up to 400 times the minimum wage, "with the confiscation of infringing copies of works or phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used for their reproduction. " Deprived of computers, of course, is not it frustrating to lose like freedom, but it would be better not to lose all nothing, and it is quite possible, if we take appropriate action.