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Bacupari District

The Agroturismo also appears as a possibility of permanence in the agricultural area of the small agricultoras families, adding to the traditional activities, services and activities not agriculturists who can provide quality of life, and consequentemente growth of the locality that is inserted in the tourist process. Being the dynamic tourist activity, it will be able to confer to the agricultural way the possibility to develop proposals of services and products, in order to promote and to divulge the localities and its attractive ones, rescuing and fortifying the local culture, with a proposal of recriar cultural manifestations identified with the agricultural space and its actors, and in such a way contributing for the promotion of the local economy. In this proposal of agricultural revitalizao one searchs to evaluate the potentiality of the Bacupari District, in the city of Palmares of the Sul/RS, city which in the decade of 30 was sobressaiu as the producing greater of rice, and also for having been a hidroferrovirio entroncamento, if detaching as strategical point to drain the production. The study problematiza the following question: Is possible the implantation of tourist activities in the District of Bacupari, city of Palmares of the South /RS and which benefits will happen of this activity? The reply to the problem she will be clear in elapsing of the work and the final analyses. The general objective is to evaluate the potentiality of the District of Bacupari, Palmares city of the Sul/RS in developing tourist activities in the agricultural area. As objective specific it is considered to detach the conceptual differences of the tourism in agricultural areas; to evidence the importance of the tourist planning and to verify the interest of agricultural producers in the activity. This study the exploratria and descriptive research adopts as method, of qualitative character. As metodolgicos procedures, it uses the revision of literature and the field research, using as instrument questionnaire of interviews and inventory.

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