Blue Moon Foudation
They have folloied, already they had heard to speak or they had not heard to speak: this dumb A independent organization Friends of the land Amazonian Forest? you already knew this name? he has as mission to implement projects and activities that promote the development sustainable of the country, with special focus in the Amazon region and the valuation of the ambient patrimony. Still today, this entity, as the majority of the Brazilian institutions (governmental how much in such a way not-governmental) that they work effectively in the Amaznia depend on donations of the exterior for its activities in benefit of the local population. It reads again: they depend on donations of the exterior. I detach Friends of the Land: they receive donations from the European Union, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The Overbrook Foundation, Blue Moon Foudation, Stichting Doen, Frum Syd and Global Greengrants Foudation. Who is these? However, I also do not know. They are not Brazilian. It now does not make the sensible minimum of the internationalization proposal? To deliver the heart? not more the lung? of Brazil, although everything is not, definitively, a solution.
But that attitudes as of the Imazon (Institute of the Man and Environment of the Amaznia) to develop the SAD* (System of Alert of Deforestation), that manitora the Amaznia saw satellite, one becomes well popular and it influences the decision taking of that it keeps? body is? of this situation. That beyond manitorar, diagnosising and to file given and numbers of the deforestation in the North of the country, the monitoring of the SAD* obtains to move more arms. That other organizations with same objective gain a little more than attention of our national media, and as well as vender products and launching marks, this same media sales and launches a little more than practical truth and little less of adulao in relation to the Amaznia and the green. This makes with that Brazilian if they deplete of the digital environment and thus they finish ignoring the true one, that in contrast of what if shows in the journalistic substances in weight, less is colored and more devoid. The question launched for the organization Friends of the Land is: because the Amaznia is not a concern of all the Brazilian citizens, the Brazilian institutions and the Brazilian companies? this is my question: if it is so crucial to keep the Amazonian forest in? guardianship? Brazilian, because she does not have social behavior to take care of of it as tutorial, not only as owners? *O SAD has the paper to observe and to launch given on the deforestation, but in the truth, it does not possess no power of action by itself. The government before the creation of this system already analyzed the volume of devastao in the Amaznia, however, a time to the year announced this spread sheet – the SAD is monthly.