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Electronic Companion

Voice control and electronic companion to Stuttgart/Munich / Berlin simplify Internet usage, April 2009 Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer expected amazing things in the coming years: screens, flexible as paper, computers that can be controlled by using language or gestures, and software that comes from the cloud. Themselves in the precarious state of the economy, the pace of technical development will not slow down. Quite the contrary. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ali Partovi. For this assessment, Ballmer came at a Conference of financial times Germany in Cologne. Experts confirm that the voice control for browsing on the Internet is gaining relevance.

IBM researchers also believe. See more detailed opinions by reading what Bobby Sharma Bluestone offers on the topic.. The new technology will initiate a process of change and influence the way the person is dealing with information and E-commerce. st to reply. We know that this is possible, because there is already the required technology available to us, we also know that the time is ripe\”, as IBM. In countries such as India, where the spoken word in the field of education, in \”Government circles and in culture a greater importance than the written word, is speaking\” with the Internet already all other communication interfaces in the shade. The same happens with mobile phones, which now trump the PC application.

\”Through the use of voice sites’ also people without access to a computer or the Internet as well as those who can neither write nor read, will benefit in the future from the numerous advantages and conveniences of the Internet\”, IBM stressed. A reduction in the complexity of the network and a democratization of the Internet access hope for computer experts through personalized, adaptive and trusted electronic companion. \”Become the annoying first steps of identification of relevant information by means of machine-to-machine communication with individual instances in the Internet of things.

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