However, as salient Fierro (1995), nor always the young obtains to find this identity. In relation to the personality of the adolescent, Fierro (1995, p.295) standes out that: ' ' Its individual evolutivo success depends, crucial, of social circumstances and historical, that facilitate, or, in contrast, they very become difficult to adhere to the definitive styles of life and identity pessoal' '. It is not whenever the adolescent obtains to have a concluded identity. Learn more at: Kai-Fu Lee. According to Fierro (1995), this crisis if decides, or can remain during a time not very long. As Erikson (in Fierro, 1995) supports, each stage of formation of the identity if correlates with definitive social institution, that, in the case of the adolescence, is the ideology. Fierro (1995) synthecizes this ideology as the set of elements, such as values, attitudes, moral, life way, that if they relate to a psicossocial identity. In other words, the problem of the identity is not only psychological, but also social.
The development of the identity, also related as the development of I, possess functions summarized for Josselson and Loevinger (in Fierro, 1995): unification of the representations that the individual possesss to its respect; organization of the defenses of the proper identity, ahead of the difficulties of the exterior world; strategies of confrontation and adaptation to the reality; adaptation of the reality to the proper necessities and aspirations; elaboration of the autobiogrfica memory of the individual and the projection of a satisfactory future. Fierro (1995) standes out that nor always and nor all the people they obtain to reach independence in this phase. To the arrival to the adult world, the responsibilities brought with this, together with the difficulties that they see with the adolescent in the acquisition of the proper identity, can extend in significant way the independence ambiguity/dependence that characterizes this age. Sebald (1976, in Fierro, 1995) points that some adults continue being as adolescent, constituting the call ' ' perpetual adolescncia' ' , that it established for the inferiority feeling, incapacity to take decisions, irresponsibility, anxiety, egocentrismo, narcissism and emotional parasitism. .