Functionality Software
Not necessarily she is necessary to fill I register in cadastre requested to lower, is only enough to clicar in download and to execute successively. In the Educational Linux, software already understands as one sute of enclosed packages in the educational programs for the MEC. 2. Metodolgicos procedures 2.1 Description of the research the carried through research was of the qualitative type and exploratrio, in which an educational software was chosen, from the use and comment of all the aspects of software were carried through an evaluation of the characteristics of quality of software. We leave of the concept of the importance to evaluate technological tools in which they develop the cognitivo potential, percipient and emotional of children with dislexia. 2.2 Methods of evaluation We use norms of model ISO 9126 that it evaluates a software as its characteristics, are: – Functionality Satisfaz the necessities? – Trustworthiness Is immune the imperfections? – Usability Is easy to use? – Efficiency Is fast ' ' enxuto' '? – Portabilidade Is easy to use in other environments? – Manutembilidade Is easy to modify? The software evaluated in question is the Gcompris that ahead made possible many analyses, some attributes that were considered excellent in the evaluation, such as: the easiness in the use of software, the stimulation for the dislxico, to have clear instructions, to have a procedural orientation and amongst that if its evaluation must be intent how much. The objective was to get information that allowed to establish an analysis on the Gcompris as a software that assists the process of teach-learning and desenvolvedor of abilities of children with dislexia. 3. Analyses and results 3.1 Evaluation while ISO 9126 Answering inside of the possibilities of the Gcompris to the model considered for ISO/IEC 9126, which defines six characteristics and twenty subcaractersticas that the quality of a software determines.