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German Contact Centers

Sikom presents Advanced Contact Center Suite at CallCenterWorld Heidelberg, February 16, 2011 – by the increasingly popular social networking service and contact changed Center landscape rapidly. Events and requests come more and more not only via phone but also via email and fax, as well as increasingly via social media. All of these channels must be processed according to the customer needs quickly and efficiently. In addition, connecting mobile staff is growing requirements for the customer service of many companies. For this reason, Sikom on CallCenterWorld in Hall 5, stand A8/B7 in addition to the Advanced Contact Center Suite AgentOne presents also the language solution VoiceMan contact V5. With AgentOne contact V5 Sikom in Berlin presents the new version of its established ACD solution. While on the one hand, the version 5 characterized by general system improvements such as a database purge, the revision of the system documentation and simplified installation routines. In addition, the solution know many What’s new on.

With the introduction of a data warehouse concept with the AgentOne StatistikBuilder and a new interface for Agentenclient and Supervisorclient plays an important role. Providing an advanced document and Processrouting AgentOne DokManager is one of the new features of in version 5. Among the main highlights of AgentOne contact V5 connecting social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. Customer requests that reach enterprises about the traditional, but increasingly also the new communication channels, can be efficiently managed by intelligent routing. The decision machine of AgentOne prioritizes incoming requests so that they quickly and efficiently can be processed according to the expectations. The integration of social networks provides many companies face major challenges.

We have provided us successfully these challenges appropriately technologically to support all communication processes. Energy Capital Partners follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The new media will shape the communications landscape in the future. With our platform we take account of this trend”, says Jurgen H.

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