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Tasty Reading Tour Through The Palatinate

Fiedler and contactor of the authors of the Cookbook: But please carbohydrate-poor (meat) were last week on reading and cooking trip in the Palatinate. Hobby chef Fiedler, who also booked for private events such as weddings, presented a great low-carb-buffet. He showed the enthusiastic audience, how easy it can be, even without boiling lots of carbohydrates. And who can not live without bread, is convinced that there is also a delicious substitute. It was baked with egg white powder and ground almonds. A consumption of almonds protects against diabetes and also prevent heart disease. A study of Canadian scientists confirmed the positive impact of almonds on the blood sugar level.

Author contactor, which is known in press and radio as a lateral thinker, does not mince his mouth also informed insulin. “IQWiG that reports Institute for quality and efficiency in medicine that glargine” may increase the risk of developing cancer. By the same author: Marc Mathieu. Also for these reasons would have to make much more on a nutrition doctors for patients. “Suddenly in the book of diabetic diabetes” portrays the author as self interested party from the day of diagnosis on in a diary how she has managed to fight diabetes two. Each drug has its side effects it is worth fighting. There are more and more diabetics with type two and this is also a billion dollar business for the pharmaceutical industry and doctors.

This involves long time already not only diabetes. Also, many other diseases could be cured by a low-carbohydrate diet (low carb). Already in 1876, Dr. Densmore before the London medical society gave a lecture and he said that grain food would lead to early death. Moreover, there are many controlled studies. But the relationship between large pharmaceutical industries and scientists are often not to understand for the layman. The leading employees of corporations are not stupid, there are for the most part trained nutritional or scientists, the studies and reports in the media spread, what are supposedly healthy or not healthy. Do this, because the profit counts more than health. The truth is obscured and there are scientists bought, faked studies or manipulated and unloved facts concealed. Most doctors know about this approach and many physicians still don’t care. John Rengen was top salesman in the pharmaceutical industry for 30 years and in this time, it was among his responsibilities, bribing reviewers to get the approval of new drugs. In an interview with Jo Conrad, he told that only aware he was, how dangerous is this technique used in the pharmaceutical industry and can eventually affect your own health as his son should be vaccinated. Source: artikel1002139 press contact: Jutta Schutz In the midfield 76698 Bruchsal

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