Marble, Granite, Natural Stone
Marble, granite, natural stone – building material used by mankind throughout its history. Once upon a time came to replace wood, strong and durable, they have served the basic building block, but with the advent of new technologies – concrete and brick complex in the extraction and processing, they retreated into the background. But, no matter how cheap concrete, functional plastic and elegant brickwork, they do not compare with natural beauty natural materials! It is not surprising that until now, like thousands of years ago, and builders use marble, and granite and natural stone for cladding and finishing interior and exterior of the building. However, despite similarity of purpose, each of these materials has its own characteristics in application, and those who plan to use them in your building, it is useful to know these differences. Marble – the noblest, most beautiful, authentic royal stuff! Since ancient times, he is famous for its unique pattern, rich shades – marble got off the most magnificent palaces, marble is used for the great sculptors of his immortal creations. And to this day, marble has no equal among decorative materials – who strive to create an elegant and unique interior, be sure to use it for decoration. Building products made of marble suitable for lining fireplaces, floors, stairs, and, of course, decorating bathrooms.
However, the marble should not be used as cover for the external walls of buildings, and the point here is not in the divisiveness of such an approach to design – under the influence dust, dirt and rain, he eventually turn gray and fading, losing its appeal. Granite – one of the most common materials on Earth, and, like the marble, it has long been used in construction. Modern Technology, revealed the structure of this unusually strong and complex in the processing of the material, making it one of the most popular items lining the outer walls. Not yielding to the marble on a variety of colors of granite products as often used in interior decoration. Due to natural cold, he is not well suited for bathrooms, but, for example, granite kitchen countertops will not only durable, but also beautiful. Natural stone – the oldest building blocks of humanity. Incredible array of shapes, colors and options for the internal structure permit its use for various purposes.
Unique rare stone of unusual colors suitable for indoor decoration – it can be used to create arbitrarily original bathroom. Classic local varieties common to use for exterior trim of buildings. But especially popular use of natural stone as a tile for paving – each such path will decorate the yard and survive all the vagaries of weather. Of course, not necessarily limited to the use of materials the same breed. In the framework of a single design may combine and soft marble, granite and reliability, and functionality of natural stone.