October According
In 1984, the IPA, started a work of support to the agriculturists of the communities of: Lagoon of Rock, Marimbondo and Serrote of the oxen, in 4 District, where the first concern of the technician of the IPA, was to create an association, that was well accepted for the agriculturists. Then, the technician of the IPA, with some communitarian leaderships had together formulated a statute that was accepted for unamimity for the partners gifts in the first meeting of the APROBACA. The BIRTH AND SOME PROJECTS OF the APRABOCA According to statute of the APROBACA, the APROBACA was established in day 14 of October of 1985, where was registered in notary’s office as Association of the Producers of Batatinhas of the communities of marimbondo, hand saw of the Oxen and lagoon of Rock, where was originary of a spontaneous movement enters the inhabitants of the communities.
According to CESAR (1998) With the creation of the APROBACA, and the support of the IPA ‘ ‘ It was possible to increase the productivity of 6 /hectares tons for 12 tons/hectares, being remained itself a cost of production relatively low a sufficiently simple technology the level of small agriculturists of base familiar.’ ‘ Since before the production cost was sufficiently high, therefore, every year the agriculturists had that to go the hope to export the potato seed. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Dell on most websites. Only that this was being difficult, ahead of the difficulty of acquisition of the potato seed, appeared to the necessity of if having a place for its storage. According to agronomist of the IPA Fbio Cesar; history of batatinha in Caruaru. 1998 ‘ ‘ In the year of 1986, technician of the EMATER-PE warehouse and acquisition of equipment of the chamber had elaborated a project for construction of 01 frigorfica’ ‘. The project was directed to set free PRORURAL and in the same year. The warehouse was constructed in process of will mutiro, and its initial capacity was of 2.500 boxes (boxes of 30 kilos).