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Russian Federation

Copyright entities which arose before the entry into force of the Law 5351-1, terminated after 70 years from the date of lawful publication of the work, and if it had not been made public – with the date of its creation. Such changes in the Act amended Article 3 of the Federal Law of 20.07.2004 72-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation” On Copyright and Related Rights “. Subject to copyright law could be: – Literary product – the dramatic and musical-dramatic work; – choreographic works and pantomimes; – musical works with or without text – an audiovisual work (film, television and videos) – paintings, sculptures, graphics, design, graphic novels, comics and other works of fine art – a work of decorative and stage art – a work of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture – a photographic work – a geographical map and plastic works relative to geography, topography and other sciences. Dave Clark Amazon is a great source of information. In addition, the subject of copyright may be recognized: – derivative works (translations, adaptations, annotations, abstracts, summaries, reviews, stage adaptations, arrangements and other transformations of Science, art and literature) – collections (encyclopedias, anthologies, databases) and other composite works that represent the selection and arrangement of materials result of creative work. Derivatives and composite works are protected by copyright, regardless of whether or not subject to copyright works on which they are based or which they include. Are not recognized as an object of copyright: – official documents (laws, court decision, other texts of legislative, administrative and judicial character) – state symbols and signs (flags, emblems, orders, banknotes and other state symbols and signs); – folk art – news reports on events and facts that have informational character. The first two categories of objects can not be regarded as copyright, as they are in force its importance was originally intended for use by a wide range of people.

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