The Design Of Plastic Products And Equipment
The design of plastic products significantly affects the shape design (depends on technological products) and quality product which, in turn, depend on the technology of its manufacture, and from its design. In connection with this product should be designed in conjunction with analysis of its workability. Please be aware that in some cases, the error inherent in product development, it is impossible to fix a choice shape design. When designing plastic products strive to achieve rational conditions of flow material in the form, accuracy of manufacture, reduction of internal stresses, warpage, cycle manufacturing. Injection molding pressure used for the manufacture of parts made of thermoplastics and thermosets. When injection molding material in granular or powder form comes in plastikatsionny cylinder of the molding machine, where the heated and stirred rotating auger (a screw-type machines). In reciprocating engines mastication is carried out only by heating.
During the processing of thermoplastic cylinder is heated to 200-350 C, the processing of thermosets to 80-120 C. The plasticized material in the forward motion of the screw or the plunger is forced into the casting mold, which thermoplastics are cooled to 20-120 C (depending on the brand), and thermosets heated to 160-200 C. The mold material can withstand the pressure to seal, which greatly reduces shrinkage while cooling out of shape. Injection molding produces custom-made products. This method is the most prevalent in most industrial processing of thermoplastics.
Him, but much less frequently also used for the manufacture of parts of some species reactive. The main advantages of plastic injection molding pressure include: universality in the processed forms of plastics, high performance mode, the automated process, the high accuracy of the products, the ability to manufacture parts highly complex geometric shapes, unattainable by using other technologies. In addition, injection molding manufacture products reinforced, hybrid, hollow, multi-colored, of foamed plastics, etc. Method allows us to mold the product mass from fractions of a gram to kilograms. Known examples are the production of injection molded parts for handbrake hours (weight 0,006 g), window frames and even fragments of bathrooms with installed valves (weight 150 kg). Organic feature of the method is its cyclicity, that, in general, hinders the performance of this process, compared with continuous technology.