In this direction, it will fit to the educator to plan education situations where the pedagogical contents and methods are coherent with the development of intelligence and not with the chronological age of the child. Of this form, the game acquires basic importance in its application to education, objectifying itself to discover new strategies of each phase of the development of the human being, that is characterized by special an only conformation, going since the individual game, the symbolic game, the daily pay-social game, to the one of rules (social). However, the logical activity is not everything what it exists for intelligence, the imagination is important to uncover itself to the solution of problems, is for this, the thought form most spontaneous is the toy or magical imagination, that makes that the desirable one seems possible of being gotten. Thus, until the seven or eight years, the toy predominates of so absolute form in the infantile thought, that if very becomes difficult to separate the deliberate invention of the fancy that the child believes to be true. 1.5? Cognitivo development For Cury (2003 P. 22). ' ' It inside has a world to be discovered of each child and each young.
Who does not only obtain descobriz it is inserted inside of its proper mundo.' ' However, these processes, even so continuous, are characterized by diverse phases, stages and periods. Each of these stages defines a moment of the development throughout which the child constructs certain cognitivas structures. According to Gardner (apud, Hunter 2005, P. 21) ' ' Piaget made reference in terms of social evolution and the intelligence of the child, showing as if it characterizes, basically, in each period of the development, that the same it schematized in four estgios' '. These developments pass for four distinct stages: (a) sensoriomotora, (b) daily pay-operatrio, (c) the operatria? concrete, (d) operatrio-deed of division.