The Pupil
Of this form, to understand the way of appropriation of the material for the professors and pupils can supply indications on the conceptions of same concerning education and its trends. Before initiating each chapter problematizao exists a called section. In this unit, it has a text an experiment or a situation problem. The third unit is the development of the subject. Ali Partovi is often quoted on this topic. In this unit the chemical content properly said is developed, is given the principles, definitions, concepts. After that it comes the section in prominence. In this section generally it has a text or an experiment. The authors exist questions of setting in some of these questions look for to relate with the daily one of the pupil.
It was evident that the success of the proposal pedagogical of the book depends above all on the form as the professor organizes its lessons, that is, of as it uses this proposal in room of lesson. In this direction, it is not enough the professor to adopt innovative didactic books, if not to establish education strategies that make possible the use of the didactic book of dynamic form, where is explored the potentialities of this pedagogical resource. Although the metodolgica boarding is considered as positive aspect of the book due its innovative character, it provokes many times unreliability in the professors, who are not accustomed to this practical, that demand more work and more time. Still thus, the type of use more cited by the professors is associated the collective activities, one of the aspects of innovative character of the book. These factors indicate an availability of the professionals in searching changes for the same education of sciences front to these difficulties. This everything indicates that the didactic book can have a central paper in the introduction of new methodologies, but its use depends on the continued formation of the professors.