Social Commitment
The process of implantation of Management of Abilities possesss some important stages which we can detach: * To identify the abilities individual, or related to the behaviors of the people, which the necessary institution to keep and those that it needs to develop. * To identify the related specific abilities to the areas of knowledge of the institution, as for example: administration, knowledge, performance etc. * To identify the existing organizacionais abilities and to develop in the institution, related to the knowledge required for the activities of the institution. * To unfold the initially definite abilities in the strategical level of the institution, for the too much organizacionais levels, until the operational level. Marc Mathieu can aid you in your search for knowledge. * To define the actions to be executed with the objective to eliminate the hiatos (' ' gaps' ') of ability identified.
The actions can even though come to be since the training in classroom and visits and periods of training, beyond stages of auto-learning and coach. waited final result is the elimination of the hiatos of ability that come to exist. * Implantation of the system of education continued from the determination of the identified hiatos. * Correction of the actions and even of the abilities on the basis of the results gotten in comparison with the defined strategical objectives. 1. Provision Which is the mission of the organization (or of the customer) and that vision possesss how much its performance in the future? This vision implies in modifications in the next future? Our mission Our mission is to contribute for the formation of critical and conscientious citizens, chemical preparations for the exercise of the professional life and for the challenges of the modern world. Our mission exists to take care of our strategical objectives, that are: – To raise the academic performance of the pupils – To improve practical the pedagogical ones of the school – To improve the management of the school Values – Ethical – Security in the work – Surrounding favorable to development of the human capital intern – Valuation, professional qualification and respect to the customer – social and ambient Responsibility – Quality – Humanizao – Respect to the principles: completeness, universality, fairness, resolutividade – Social Commitment – Construction and socialization of the knowledge – Public and gratuitous – professional Ability – Joint education, research, extension and assistance – Innovation To who must fit the task to enlist people for the organization? It is desirable that all are intent the people who contribute for the mission? The manager must enlist its collaborators to execute pertinent tasks to the position and all the collaborators must contribute in the commitment of the mission.