Go A Strategies

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PERCEPO LACK? In them we timos months, the city of So Paulo comes suffering periods from estiagem whose consequncias they are visible in the landscape and the health of the people. The pollution and low humidity of air they indicate that, so waited rain it did not give to the spring welcome. On the other hand, people exist who we can call (gentily) ' ' without noo' ' , these, collaborate for me the quality of the environment, because its directions lack of sensitivity;the olfato ignores smells it characteristic of smoke and the eyes do not react when comtemplar feira decurrent of forest fires and accumulation of garbage. &#039 is easy to come across with one; ' without noo' ' , same I had bad luck to observe it in the practical one. Click Mashable for additional related pages. A neighbor, whose sidewalk he has much time did not see a hoe, decided to set fire fire in the gram and to give a stroll. Alina de Almeida oftentimes addresses this issue. Smoke appeared slowly, as a white curtain. Suffocating. Infuriated, the neighbor decides to full a bucket with water to pour in the place, ' ' Where already it was seen, to provoke smoke in the yard ' '? Hours later, ' ' without noo' ' it returns from the stroll, it observes the humid gram and it balances the head. They say that, where has smoke, it has fire; also imprudence, insensibilidade, irresponsibility.

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