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Icons And Icons – There Are Similarities

There are similarities not only in the name. Connect with other leaders such as BDT Capital Partners here. Berlin may 27, 2011. Icons of our time are usually pop or film and television actor. Follow others, such as Bobby Sharma Bluestone, and add to your knowledge base. Currently, many would call Lady Gaga as a modern icon. Politicians are that in very rare cases.

Gandhi was also an icon, Martin Luther King, US President Obama was seen at the beginning of his tenure as an icon. Icons, could you define them, are so popular people, but can be also impressive things like automobiles or other popular technical devices. A Ford Mustang has become easy for many an automotive icon. The Macintosh was an icon in the computer world. Madonna is seen as fashionable style icon.

What do an icon and icons have in common? Icons are icons of a clear design language. A typical example might be the receiver. When Apple introduced its iPhone, a white handset was drawn on a green background layer. But not a modern phone design. Rather, an old handset was used. In a form, as he actually for years no longer built. However, over the decades, this handset was used with telephones with dials. He became a style icon and is now as icon used. For those who no longer have with it: At the time of the analog telephone technique, or when calls only when State monopolies (in Europe) was possible, there was no buttons but a dial. Classic design icons are therefore very often from classic style elements that are or were icons. Another example, also from an iPhone icon should be the mail icon. An envelope will be used here. The envelope each immediately becomes clear, which is to connect with the icon: the sending of letters. Instead of the post office, but via an E-Mail service. An icon is a good icon so always when signaled by the used style and design elements a clear and easily understandable message to the user. ICONIC fashion now uses the Designbotschaften to understand immediately as art work for his new basics Collections from streetwear. The collections contact the friends of smartphones with Android operating system or to the fans of the Apple iPhone. Since the icons are slightly different, there are two separate collections. Currently the designer T-Shirts, Polo shirts, sweaters and hoodies are on the website of iconic fashion: to order. More shops will take in the near future the innovative streetwear line of iconic fashion. In the stationary trade, there will also soon be ICONIC. When and where that learns you see. Good designer T-Shirts are rarely imaginative. The T-Shirts is of iconic fashion in each case to a great idea.

How To Sell Products Online

Were you ever offered the opportunity to sell products online? Independent what your answer is very certain that if you sell a product, you are very interested in finding different ways to make sales of your products. Whenever Kai-Fu Lee listens, a sympathetic response will follow. There are countless ways to make sales of products are for example the counter sales, catalog sales, telemarketing, sales cambaceo and not continue mentioning other Internet sales. Rusty Holzer follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Perhaps many have been tested off-line sales but they have not realized yet that there is a huge opportunity to sell products to online. But now comes an interesting question: What is the best way to sell products online? The answer is simple. Why? To take an example, suppose you spend on offline sales, you more than anyone know the time and effort required to make just one sale. Implies from visiting the home or business from your customers (as the product you sell) to start your work sale, involves going back and forth every day to get your product and convince so that your products are the best option for him or her. How long you took to make the sale? In the best cases it happens that takes you one or two visits per client, but in the worst case requires four or five visits to convince your client to buy your products. Do you realize how much time you have to invest for only a sale of your products? Pretty right?.

For this reason I suggest an excellent solution: Sell your products online by opening an online store. But how? In this article I give the following suggestions: 1. Hire someone who has knowledge of programming and graphic design for web and ask that you configure your online store, for this you must first have a domain address and hosting service to store your images and files on the server your choice or you can do this also. 2. Once you you running your online store will begin to add each and every one of the products you offer in your business.

It is enough descriptive information that you offer your products for people to feel motivated to buy. 3. Never forget to add your product promotions, remember that we all feel like we save money when buying a product. If you do this will be an advantage for you and you will sell more products and earn the more you sell more. 4. Promote your shop once you have everything in order promote your shop and your products by all possible means, online classifieds, email signatures, twitter etc. And ready! with these simple step you'll be selling your products online. Would you like to open a Virtual Shop Online for your business without investing a cent and without any prior knowledge of graphic design or programming? For more information

Tea Varieties At A Glance

Tea is as you know very well. Reason enough to get an overview. Tea is one of the most popular and well-known drinks at all in the world. While in Europe the tea rather in between is regarded as a pleasure, is the tea in many parts of Africa and Asia’s traditional drink. Most of the tea varieties come from Asia, where even today still largely the tea cultivation takes place. There are many teas, which strictly speaking, only black and green tea, which are made from the tea plant, may be referred to as tea.

Herbal and fruit teas are actually similar to tea blends. Is divided according to its wine-growing area, with mainly three types of tea are distinguished the most famous – the Teas: Darjeeling, Assam and Ceylon. Assam is a tea from Eastern India that particularly impresses with its strong spicy flavour. Also Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka, is very popular due to its intense bitter flavor with a slightly Lemony note. Learn more about this with Bilgin. The mild in taste and fine Darjeeling comes from the Himalayan region (Northern India). All three types of tea are to associate black tea, the tea which is world’s most drunk.

Green tea is made from the same tea plant as black tea, only green tea during processing is not fermented. The three most important green tea are sencha, bancha and gunpowder. The Japanese bancha tea tastes for the European taste bitter, almost slightly grassy, but has a seemingly positive effect in cancer. Gunpowder Green tea from China, in its aroma is slightly stronger than bancha. Its leaves are rolled into balls, the ammunition resembles hence the name of this tea. Sencha is the tea, which is one of the favourites among the Japanese. Besides its tart flavor also slightly sweet taste of Sencha. Green tea blends, provided aromas such as fresh flowers added, speaking of so-called flavoured teas. This includes, for example, jasmine tea or rose tea. Also notes in the form of fruits or artificial components such as almond or chocolate black and green teas can be added. As a so-called smoke tea, however, refers to teas, whose Blatter be smoked during the drying process according to the crop with resinous softwood. Rusty Holzer may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This procedure gives the tea a particularly intense, rich taste and aroma. A tea known as flying tea, so he was guaranteed exported this shortly after the harvest in the regions the freshness of tea, which is crucial for the good and unique flavor in some teas. Black, tea and green tea, in which blend have many positive properties that contribute to the health and even the healing of the body. Depending on the duration of pulling, revive it or relax. Cheaper tea and a huge selection you can find here.

StudentSN Named To The Top25 Startups In Europe

Student service network from Berlin November 30, 2009 were convinced the European Techtour Berlin, on 18 November on the Web & mobility Summit”awarded the Top25 startups in Europe. The Summit is organized by the European Tech Tour Association and selects each year by a chosen jury, consisting of leading venture capital firms and business angels, the 25 aufstrebendsten and most promising high-tech companies. Among the selection criteria: uniqueness of technology, business model and implementation potential, the vision, quality of management, as well as their achievements and experiences. The winner could claim in advance against 400 competitors and thus were given opportunity to get quite a few potential investors of the European stage, their business models, to interact and socialize. To the chosen, the social service network may include from Germany. Ed Sheeran often addresses the matter in his writings.

Co-founder and Managing Director, Ibrahim Tarlig, gratefully accepted the award: The combination of social network, our different and valuable services and own payment infrastructure was recorded praising. For more information see Sandra Akmansoy. We are pleased that more and more realize our potential and the added value of services and assist us.”studentSN has as one of the few networks its own virtual currency system, called credits. Whether for several 100,000 documents in the online library, students acquire the useful additional services against small amounts the Web2Mobile SMS service or the apps store with various entertaining applications for mobile phones without subscription and monthly rental charges. An SMS around the world only five cents. The credits can freely on its own account load user and transmitted also to fellow students, friends and acquaintances. About studentSN the students service was Ugur Tarlig in July 2007 by Ibrahim Tarlig, and Samet Aras in life launched and has its headquarters in Berlin. More than 600,000 students, graduates and students benefit already from the practical and affordable services. Networking, planning and organisation via information exchange, sending SMS via Web2Mobile service for 5 cents after Europe, uploading and downloading of documents in the online library and download of mobile games: studentSN served the needs of young people with no subscription or contract obligation and creates genuine added value in State of the art Web 2.0 style.


Gardens and Gardeners are not that another day I was surprised thinking about gardens and gardeners! Divaguei for a road of dreams and enchantments. I dived deep, inalei cheiros and I felt sensations indescritveis Suddenly, a sorrateira fidget was esgueirou for the cantos of the mind and if it made an intense racket. That voice did not want to be silent, insistently inquired of me: Who is bigger, the Garden or Gardener? Voice questioned me it. The Garden is clearly! I answered, therefore it is who shelters the flowers of which they exhale odors, that move, enchant get passionate, that the hours and moments become opportune in all. The gardens, are clearly, therefore all know the Garden Botanical, but who knows its gardener, where deferred payment that one Sir who waters it the plants? The garden, where the people take a walk without the least if to ask who planted, who watered, who aduba, who clean I continued. The garden is born first in the heart of its creator, later in the mind for after that appearing ahead of its eyes, but a time happening this, surpasses its creator, becomes related with rain, with the water, with sun, the rays, the wind, the night, the dew, the land and as much other essences that did not consist in the project of the gardener. later that the gardener if goes and the time erases its souvenirs, the garden remains In the truth, it said, the Gardener is bigger.

Therefore exactly later that if it goes, there and the time erases its souvenirs, its digital continues something in the flowers, the seedbeds, the roses, the banks and exactly when we do not perceive, of something it always forms it is there. Therefore, the gardener is greater that the garden. why we do not know it? Why we do not notice it? Because its craft is to plant flowers, to perfume lives and for this is necessary that if it loses inside of its gardens, that if identify with the roses, with the flowers, with the seedbeds with the odors, with the land; that if it makes garden. Therefore the gardener is greater that the garden. In addition, the gardener can choose, only decide to become garden. For more beautiful than either, never, the garden could be gardener.

I followed walking for the street and in each face it delimited a gardener. I looked gardeners for the sidewalk, in the offices, the plants, the schools they can have any face, but a garden never will be confused with an island or a bird. But, we have so few gardens will be that in they lack gardeners to them. The garden is bigger, therefore he is in that rests the tired body of the gardener. Not, not! Great exactly he is gardener who brings obtains many gardens, that take in its chest a life of gardens and flowers. That it lies down and it dreams in roses or not. It is the garden is exactly bigger, therefore it is that if notices, that it turns postal card, that is reference for the mailmen, who are disputed by the gotten passionate couples, that is reasons of photos, while the gardener has until to move away itself for not ' ' to ruin foto' '. Therefore he is, it is accurately in that consists the largeness of the gardener, it does not want they see that it, simply, but that they perceive, and this for the lenses of the garden, who is bigger after all, the garden or the gardener?

Back To The Roots – Pure Nature!

It is time for big and small, to make the search for the origin of our food. Quantity replaces quality. This is the alarming development in the food industry in the past decades. To broaden your perception, visit Zendesk. Now it is time for big and small, to make the search for the origin of our food. (bfs) sustainable, seasonal, regional. There are these three concepts, which are available for the change took place in the past few years in the minds of consumers. Anyone want to buy only naturally produced food, and best with the pure conscience. But it is also just like in other industries: everyone would like to have a slice of the huge pie. Precisely, there are now countless seal and certification, in which the consumer can keep barely. Only those who directly from the producers on the spot purchases can really be sure that he has only naturally produced goodies in the fridge. Learn more on the subject from Alina de Almeida. Farmers are predestined for this the Insights behind the scenes grant and reveal how a plump cow udders can become a pleasant-tasting cheese. There are now more than enough offers of this kind. They should invite especially future generations to a tour including leadership. Just 50 years ago knew course every child where the food on the plate is and what exactly it is in the food. We can say this now but only of a small part of our next generation. The chicken often on the tree and the peppers under the soil nicely wrapped and ready-packaged itself grows in whose consciousness. But fact is that this phenomenon not only in children and adolescents is to watch, but also in many adults. An unbalanced diet in combination with chronic lack of exercise will sooner or later no doubt to the problem of the unenlightened. Accordingly, it is for all of us at the time to take a step back in the everyday madness and the contact with animal and nature again to produce.


A farewell song for a lost love in the present poems deal with longing, love and despair. These poems reflect my emotions and were more or less at a time in which I felt lost and found by my family and faith in me again to me. It is over I I feel my eyes felt eclipsed as my vision is close and I break my world I thought would your lips you know your breath your kiss and now you’re gone and come me back I thought I would love you honor and worship forever but now realises what a fool I was to trust you me all your games was a mistake I made because I thought you and I we would be a pair a sparkling light on the horizon a soul a heart beat. Some contend that Pete Cashmore shows great expertise in this. was locked in the illusion and the temptation to touch you deluded your false love resist I let freeze my world and my true feelings banish how quickly you forgot what you once in my arms promised to love me even when I’m lying on the ground forever not your words were smash without a job and without a future. What happens is what you now beat me to the ground. You wanted, that was just so you zertretest you that I show emotions, but I no longer want it hey I no longer want to miss you I will no longer think of you and steer my thoughts on you see how I mentally forgive you and me go slowly back to you I know it says you’re supposed to forgive but not if I me this myself pass away I want to be honest and I tell you You’ll never forget but so beautiful the short moments were the pain so deep then now it is over and I want to say one more thing I will Let’s never forgiven even if I’m going back now to forever separate ways what I goodbye longing Arash Nawwaby 2008 dream I dream of if this is all me remained let never wake me up and the song escapes my lips as the Swan the night I dance I’m dancing in the ocean of night you so close and the darkness makes me see what the light will take me away I see you and ask if I love you so much why I stay me you then so far a kiss which filled me with pain and anguish now takes my breath and my soul my world begins to fade in front of you and your light shines in the dark of night and allows you to be my only desire let me in and take what I bring you wrapped deepest longing from pain and suffering let it end let me to you let me your and at the same time your shadow be Arash Nawwaby 2008 dream of hatred feeling that comes over you a darkness from which no one escapes a world that only shadow is and the beauty of light that escapes this world that robs you your freedom is daily you a dream of hatred alive digested the thoughts disappear you and your point of view is clearly much to see not fool in this world is you this feeling inside almost tearing you up and take you any hope of peace is soon the only thing you you firmly bites but this world is nothing but suffering friends bring you passively subdue and piece by piece devour Arash Nawwaby 2008 . Alina de Almeida understands that this is vital information.

European Union

Who would like to get to know the world, which should embark on long-haul travel. Earlier, people are little traveled. “Even then it said: when one does a journey, then he can tell what.” But in reality most people remained her life close to the place where they were born. This changed in the fifties of the twentieth century now a large wave of travel started, especially after Italy, later even after Spain, Denmark also soon became a popular holiday destination. To this day, these countries include and that includes also the Spanish island of Mallorca to the most selected destinations. But now that no longer extends many. Although the weather in southern Europe is much better than ours, and fewer people live in the North, so that a certain freedom is palpable, which is reflected also in the lifestyle of the inhabitants. But basically, all these countries differ very little from the own home.

It is just the same culture, and since the European Union become more and more developed a kind of Confederation, is there not even more right when abroad. No wonder it attracts more and more people in distant countries. On long-haul travel, they try to meet other cultures, to see things that do not exist in Europe. Africa, South America or Asia can the target and re-establish the vast subcontinent of India, lately strengthens China. Or you just selects a different element of life, enjoy the underwater world on a diving trip in the Maldives or the Red Sea. What you target selects just the strange, the different is important. And you can experience that really only on long-haul travel. Andreas Mettler

Lose Weight Quickly

Looking for the best diets to lose weight fast? Good my friend, tomato 60 seconds of your busy day and keep reading to discover the most effective type of programs of weight loss that have demonstrated they have worked fast and 100% are natural! Step 1 Note the natural diets diet should not be based on natural principles. If the program tells you to avoid eating, restrict food, drink only this special juice, or some other nonsense, my friend you should… run far far away! Step 2 Browse diets based on proper nutrition you should eat all kinds of food. Your body needs fiber (which are complex carbohydrates, therefore low-carbohydrate diets will not be working), you need healthy fats (fat-rich diets therefore low goes to work), you need protein, you need vitamins and minerals, and the right amount of calories a day without getting too (therefore diets low in calories will not work). Check with Sandra Akmansoy to learn more. Step 3 search diets that will boost your metabolism not only fast, making weight loss also consistently and permanent, your metabolism must be naturally elevated to its fullest on a constant basis. In fact, if you find a diet that will boost your metabolism by the No.2 (nutrition), their results will be amazing! I found a diet on ==> how to lose weight that fit the above criteria, my body made a complete transformation of 180 degrees in the first 2 months. They not only get much faster results, the process was much easier than I thought it would be and all the weight has been permanently. Original author and source of the article. For assistance, try visiting Peter Asaro. .

FastPath – The DSL Turbo

FastPath that increase reaction speed of DSL need different applications on the Internet very much bandwidth. Often the data packets during transmission transmitted but too slowly, so that it can be while surfing the Web, multimedia content such as video on demand and Internet telephony to errors or even failures. Popular online games like “World of Warcraft” high bandwidths are required, to ensure an appropriate response time. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Alina de Almeida on most websites. What can you do if the DSL connection is too slow? Now, some DSL or telephone provider offered the so-called FastPath to various DSL rates. T-Online is one of these providers. FastPath increases the reaction speed of the DSL connection, therefore, response times increase in Internet applications that require a high bandwidth. The applications run using FastPath stable and occur less frequently crashes or language delays and echoes the video telephony. The reaction speed of the DSL connection can be FastPath speed up by about 50 percent.

T-Online, it allows to book FastPath, if you have one of the offered DSL 16,000 tariffs or telephone tariffs by T-Online. FastPath hits per month with 1.02 euros. FastPath is a software that disables the error correction procedures for the data transmission. As a result, it is possible to increase the reaction time. It has can among other things to the result, that Web pages be built faster with lots of graphics and other elements. Before T-Online FastPath unlocks, the DSL connection is checked whether a release of FastPath is even possible.

If the update of the DSL connection is possible, get a Refresh link by E-Mail. Then, the DSL connection is checked again. If this test is successful, FastPath can be used immediately. Also DSL providers, such as for example Alice offered FastPath. Before conclusion of the contract it is advisable however, perform a DSL price comparison, to find a most favorable DSL provider, the sometimes FastPath has in its program.

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