Go A Strategies

Strategic Planning to Help You Go 'A'!

Industrial Engineering

Carlos Mora Vanegas a far-sighted management of employment, based on a clear vision of qualifications and their evolution and qualitative knowledge of human resources becomes a good strategic base which allows a company to dispose of the men needed to catch market opportunities, absorb other companies, diversify, anticipate and quickly master new technologies. Dimitri Weiss can not be denied, that in recent years, the economic scenarios in different countries, continents of this planet Earth, big changes in the technological, new opening in pro of conquering new markets, consolidation in those who have conquered, have arisen leading to that management should not neglect a so decisive input in the achievement of its mission, as it is that of human resources. Increasingly becomes necessary, especially in the Venezuelan national environment, that staff working in organizations are not only well trained, motivated, but which are fully identified with its culture organizational in your environment that are good actors, trainers of new paradigms and who are committed to the objectives of the organization where they belong, as well as actively participate in decision-making where East involved the group, as a real integrated team. The national universities, through its school of industrial relations, yet the Industrial Engineering, administration, both at the undergraduate and graduate level should empathize more with the current needs of the productive sector of the country is demanding, tackling, especially in relation to human resources, to its efficient, productive integration for organizations, give feedback their programmes of education and traininggive way to a new profile of its graduates, for example, consider that points us Weiss (1992), that management committed to ensure the current role played by human resources, within a framework of reference, deeply changed, that sees the introduction of new technologies, accompanied by of new ways of working – and consequently, the need for new professional profiles and the emergence of new needs and new values of the individual, which already offers not only a job but a skills capacity, a professionalism and flexibility they need to be valued and evaluated there, that you understand until that point the human factor has become strategic and invaluable for the companyYou must develop it as an element of competitive advantage.

Apply Strategies

Transmit messages clear and naturally to entrepreneurs who are online is one of the factors that brings them to the success of their projects, is truth the techniques and methods used to expose what we are doing is important but the way in which we are exposing our message, the way in which we express ourselves is the essence of what we passexpressed another way, what you take our visitors or prospects of our business; and clear it they will depend on much more than sales obtained. Currently with the rise of social media, the presence of entrepreneurs both on Twitter as facebook becomes something forced and it is here where we need to pay special attention to the way that we communicate our message, in this article I want to share some tipts to make it in the best way possible and get the results that we hope:-Persuade without forcing: A correct message does not attempt to force readers to something that does not believe or do something you don’t want to do. When we publish our message must not forget the kindness, courtesy and give thanks; Let’s not use our messages, mainly at the beginning, for advertising or a direct sale; keep in mind that the first thing is to create a relationship with our friends or followers and then if, suggest, advise or show what you want to promote. -Touch: Refers to the correct choice of media, tools and strategies that we use to achieve our goal, we need to use different techniques to achieve merging social media with our voluntary subscription pages, for example; so that a visitor to our profile can opt to follow us and simultaneously also can be presented the option of subscribing to a particular Bulletin for later follow-up. -Confidence: the people to accept its recommendations you have to achieve gain its trust, working with a feeling and enthusiasm from catching.


Develop your own Internet business, participating in affiliate programs is a very attractive, economic and easy enough to begin to generate profits on the Internet. It is possible to earn big money, fast enough (in 1-2 years), although certain efforts, self-discipline and dedication, especially at the beginning, are needed when you start from scratch. In any affiliate program earnings power is based on duplication and multiplication. Therefore, the main concern has to be: do find affiliates for my computer?. But before you start the search for affiliates and business need to know with all the clarity the objectives that we set to develop our business, who is our potential affiliate, where to look it and many affiliates I need to reach my goals of profit.

We need to know to determine with any certainty how much money we want to win and in what time frame. Is not enough to say: I want to make lots of money, but that it is important to raise from the beginning quantities that We want to achieve and the time frame that we reserve for the goal. Of course, it would be unreal to decide winning 10,000 in a week we are talking about serious business and any business needs time to develop. After all, everything is based on numbers, and if we know our number and the time frame that we reserve to get the amount that you want to is to plan the actions necessary to achieve these objectives. Planning is very important for the successful development of any entrepreneurship on the Internet. Let’s analyze an example: suppose that we decided to start our own business by Internet, participating in an affiliate program that works on the basis of multilevel marketing. The business project offers a Plan of earnings in 5 levels, with a 50% Commission on the investment carried out month after month.

Marketing Business

All marketing experts began emulating someone. Emulate is a fancy name for observe, study and learn from. We learn to walk, to speak, to write, and even to love the people who surrounds us. You started a business because you saw others doing it. You learned to drive a car seeing another first and then doing it yourself. Marketing works the same way. Importance of repetition in your business. A proven way to write a great letter or advertisement, is sit and copy by hand the best ads and letters that you can find.

Who made more money. In other words: those who employed excellent marketing strategies. What happens, is that the way of thinking of the author begins to leave its imprint on your mind, after repeating this process a few times. And let me tell you this method works. Recommendations that you need to take into account to carry out a Marketing strategy that works. I recommend that you start a file of marketing for your business ideas.

Everytime you see an ad or a direct marketing letter, or a steering wheel that attracts your attention, keep it. Recorded good television commercials. This will help you to evolve your marketing tactics, it is advisable to ask yourself, what kind of ads or sale approaches respond? What business I like to visit, and why? Become a Hound of marketing. Let’s look at a case study of real life. That it will help you to improve, streamline and develop their marketing strategies. CASE study 1 Comparadas with other shoe stores, a very successful store called Nordstrom has sales up to 9 times higher per square meter. How do they do it? Well, for starters, employees always bring three pairs of shoes from the tank when you are attending a customer. Style and colour requested; a different color in the same style; and a choice of the employee.Three specific things. They also take note of your number of footwear and shoes style that you like. They send you promotions with special offers. They have special offers only for your number and samples of new styles for customers only. Everything this you the message transmitted, we care about you, the customer. how you can apply these tactics of marketing to your business? Different business, different products, however, the same end, sell more, by this reason be attentive to Los following examples in a video always store can bring other two different videos with each client request. A clothing store can do the same when you ask for a specific size. A car dealer can offer to try two cars which he selects, based on the customer’s first choice. A restaurant can offer a tasting of other dishes on the menu, and so on start to ask yourself, if it works for them, why not for me? Find out, try it. You apply these marketing strategies during a week or a month. What you have to lose? We have reviewed a first case. However, that is not all, there’s more to know. If you want to know more case studies that will make your sales grow, grow and attract future clients or in your case, to those who already are, because in the following article may extend the knowledge of the same.

Workshop Strategy

Seminar workshop strategy of loyalty of customers methodology to define a strategy of customer loyalty many of the most successful companies in the world of business, based their strategies on MANTENERexcelentes business relationships with current clients, through a knowledge of each of them and providing them with successful experiences in the provision of products and services, combined with a coherent strategy for generation of new customers. The greatest opportunity for innovation is on the way as we generate experiences of purchase and use of the services by our clients. Achieve a high index of loyalty of clients requires the design and implementation of a medium and long term strategy that allows create, maintain and develop feelings of loyalty in customers and loyalty behaviors. Mind of Colombia has designed a workshop with the main aim of providing participants a methodological framework which allows them to build and implement a strategy of customer loyalty, based on the use techniques such as CRM and CEM. The seminar will take place on December 2, 2010, in Bogota, Colombia from 8: 00 am to 12: 30 pm.


The playful one promotes the pertaining to school income beyond the knowledge, orality, thought and the direction. However, to understand the relevance of playing makes possible the professors to intervine in appropriate way, not intervening and depriving of characteristics the pleasure that the playful one provides. Therefore, used playing as pedagogical resource does not have to be dissociado of the playful activity composes that it, under the risk to deprive of characteristics itself, after all, the pertaining to school life conducted by norms and determined times, by itself already favors this exactly process, making of playing in the school one to play different of the other occasions. The incorporation of tricks, games and toys in practical the pedagogical one can develop different activities that contribute for innumerable learnings and for the magnifying of the net of constructive meanings in such a way for children as for the young. For Vygotsky (1998), the educator will be able to make the use of games, tricks, histories and others, so that of playful form the child is defied to think and to decide problematic situations, so that she imitates and recrie rules used for the adult.

The playful one can be used as an education strategy and learning, thus the act to play in the school under the perspective of Saints (2002) is related the professor who must assume itself of theoretical subsidies that obtain to convince it and to sensetize it on the importance of this activity for learning and the development of the child. With this, it is possible to understand that playing it assists the child in the learning process. It goes to provide imaginary situations where he will occur in the cognitivo development, facilitating the interaction with people which will contribute for a knowledge addition. With these ideas we associate ours certainties on pedagogical playing as practical, being a resource that can not only contribute for the infantile development, as well as for the cultural one.


At the time of the dinossauros they extiam thousand of species had today been extinct, but in one she has broken of the African forest in a lagoon a creature it are of normal, that if she fed of the any alive being, for the Africans this I show was a curse of its ancestor who had tried to enslave them but they had not obtained. The predator during the night leaves the lagoon and is in the entocado weeds next the road to attack drivers, fera is an animal of 13 meters of width, its bocada almost arrives engoli half of an car, its force is extraordinary this without counting its carcass is thicker than of a normal crocodile, he is one mutant crocodile. Some years behind scientist in search to study the forest and its creatures and had found a fossil one of dinossauro one of the researchers injected a syringe in the fossil one and caught a part of its DNA, in the return for house one of the trick scientist had decided to inject in the youngling of a crocodile, but the mother arrived devorou all, and the youngling if she became this monstruosidade that we are speaking, but after this event of the deaths instead of ordering studious, they had sent trained super hunters to win the perigos of the forest, when arriving the professionals searched information on place the Africans said that one liveed shows in the lake that killed everybody that arrived close to the lake, swam or fishes? if, the hunters had started its strategies had entered with a boat in the lagoon. When starting the search of the creature, water balanced fera very jumped for top of the boat and jumped in one of our heroes and it engoliu its partner shot without stopping, but nor if it wants wounded the animal, it runs away for the deep one from the lagoon, the desperation increases the predator comes back and destroys the boat all and alone it remains a person will be that it is the end for it? But when crocodile tries to devorar it appears one another friend in a Jet ski and the salute quickly with a harpoon of steel and next to a device of high explosion obtains to kill fera, after if to become the heroes of the African ones go even so, but it will be that the danger finished? In the deepenings of the lake some eggs were there, months later a young called African dend fish in the lake of in such a way to force the hook inside falls of the lake and not return more.

National Curricular Plans

Such comments had been carried through in the education modality of the Education for Young Adult? EJA? that it is a specialty of Average Ensino supported in the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education. The methodology of education directed toward the EJA needs specific requirements to be taken care of and is turned toward the attendance to the pupil-worker who cannot in skillful time conclude its day of studies regularly. The objective of the education modality is to develop compromised the basic and average teachings of quality with the formation of citizens who if outside find of the regular period of pertaining to school activities in agreement the minimum standards established by the National Curricular Plans (PCN s). From the metodolgicos data and the objective tracings, it is presented analysis of the choice of the description-cultural boarding proposal for Lev S. Vigotsky, pointing out some analogous aspects between the theory of the development of the superior psychological functions and the context presented for the practical one of comment of the institution-field, focado in the experiences of the pupils.

By means of such boarding, some strategies are presented that point with respect to a theory of learning-teach developed for Vigotsky, Leontiev and Davydov. The different clippings are presented in a direction that searchs a new perspective of learning in a developed social environment already. The emphasis of this perspective if locks up in the conception of the work of the professor as mediating of technician-scientific knowing and the description-cultural experience that cannot be ignored in the constitution of a knowledge come back toward the citizenship and social life, objectives these of the modality of education of the EJA. METHODOLOGY For the elaboration of the present work had been carried through some essential stages for its proper composition. The first step if gave in the field of knowing theoretician, with the boarding of the considered subject, the bibliographical survey of the authors, reading of the texts and set of documents appreciation and films come back toward the subject.

The Metrolgico Man

This has stimulated its insertion in the education, with the objective of entrosar the two areas to enable human resources of quality in the accomplishment of scientific and technological research capable to help to create a metrolgica culture. 2. CONCEPTUALIZATION 2.1 The Metrolgico Man The history of the metrologia if confuses with the one of the proper civilization, participating of the basic movements in the politics, the economy and the religion, the organization of the peoples and its necessities to measure. The nomadic peoples compared distances in accordance with sun, the moon, the stars, they quantified the necessary water and foods to the displacements. The sedentary ones measured areas and extensions of lands, and counted to the seeds when establishing the distances of sowing, and following, to dimensionar the harvest. The working standard was the result of the production in relation to the weight of the human body. This culture of weights and the measures, and the measurements for comparison to a standard of linear measure, date of Egypt (3000 B.C.) and were based on dimensions of part of the human body, as ' ' cvado' ' (length of antebrao, the elbow to the average finger) and one submltiplo, the 9 digit. The antropomtrico system, although primitive, was considered for being most natural, accessible any individual, of easy comparison, manuscript and transport, therefore the man was the proper one measured; ' ' The man is the measure of all coisas' ' 10; thus Protgoras is attributed to it (480 B.C.) Greek philosopher, the relation of the men with the measures, even so in the reality, express thought a bigger idea that is of the limitation of the man in relation to the things, the true dimension of the man and not properly related to the physical measures that had been created to take care of the natural necessities.

Internet Publish

By all means with regard to my personal ambitions I want to follow in the literary scope, always from the point of view of publishing projects that leave the classic line, not because believes that it has something bad the publishing houses of century XX, but because I like to innovate and the 21st century seems to have the necessary thing to break with old woman beliefs. LM: It would follow like writer, soon like painter or sketcher, and if these two things failed, it would dispatch gasoline in some service station. I have noticed that is only possible to publish e-book You think that it is possible in the future to publish in paper? DC: If, it is part of our project that takes more of a life year and a half. LM: Yes, absolutely. The paper is ours priority, although does not seem it now. Only that today the unique form that we must to obtain that any writer publishes his works free of charge and with total freedom is through the electronic thing. Several authors (Spanish, Argentine and of Latin America) approached their texts to us to evaluate them and to publish them in paper. Our philosophy of work speech of autopublicacin in our site of Internet and to our cost the physical publication, does not interest the publishing house model to us where certain amount is due to pay to see published its texts, the idea is to have mix between gratuitous digital publications and physical publications payments (bookstores and classic channels of commercialization). We are working in several projects that still lacking a pair of months so that they become reality Greetings to all readers.

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